“Be careful, my Anwyn, the plate will be hot. I do not wish for you to burn your precious skin.”So he can do it himself later, I think, but I only nod my head. Perhaps, I am being too harsh on this dragon. After all, none of the stories mentioned them braving a storm to ensure their victims were fed. Of course, he could have his own motives for this, but the look of absolute pleasure on his face as I eat my meal tells me there’s something else going on here.

Still, I’m just grateful to have a meal.

Once I have polished off most of the food, he uncorks a bottle of red wine with a claw and fills my goblet. I take a small sip. It is just as delicious as well. The meal and now the wine has caused my body to become more relaxed. The dragon next to me takes another deep inhale through his nose, his tail grazing the bottom of my feet and the sides of my legs ever so often.

“Do you like the wine?” he asks. Reaching over, I pluck the bottle up, wondering if I smashed it, would a jagged piece of the glass be enough to penetrate his scales? Surely not, but I file that information away for later.

The bottle almost slips from my hand as I see the seal stamped onto the front of the bottle. The Wicksome seal. My head jerks up as I look the dragon in the eyes, my mouth parting.

“Where…where did you get this wine?” I gesture down to my lap, where my plate sits. “This food?”

My heart pounds and blood roars in my ears. The dragon sits up straighter, a fierce look on his face.

“From the human man called Wicksome. The one who wished to marry you,” he growls out. His yellow eyes blaze hot, turning into molten gold. A puff of smoke exits his nostrils, warning of the fire inside him.

“Did you tell him you had me?” I ask. If Mr. Wicksome comes here, I’ll be trading one jailer for another. At least with this dragon, my suffering will be short. Mr. Wicksome intends to make me suffer for the rest of my life. I can’t afford to be found by him, I won’t be. The broken glass may not be enough to puncture this dragon's scales, but it will be sharp enough to slice a human throat.

The dragon shakes his head, his tail whipping behind him.

“I’ve taken care of him. I’d never endanger my most precious possession.”

“He’d want your gold to be sure,” I say, gesturing around me. “But I’m worried he’d follow you here and take me back to the village. I have no desire to marry a man like that.”

Any man, really.

The dragon shakes his head again.

“He will never come after you, my Anwyn. I left his burning corpse in his dining room before I returned to you.”

My mouth drops open as my heart thunders in my chest.

“You killed him?” I ask incredulously. “Why? To steal all of this?”

His golden eyes are tender on my face. He reaches out a clawed hand, and I will myself to remain still as he tucks a stay piece of hair behind my ear. Goosebumps break out along my skin as his claw tickles the shell of my ear.

“To make you safe. That man scared you so much with his threats of marriage you set off into a storm that could’ve killed you. I would not allow such a man as that to live.” The dragon takes my plate and rises. “I will get you more food, my Anwyn.”

I’m at a loss for words as I watch him at the fire. The flames illuminate his muscular back in greens and yellows. As he prepares more food for me, I let my mind fully absorb what he’s just told me.

Mr. Wicksome is…dead. Burnt to a crisp. I’m free from that danger, because of the dragon in front of me.

Something unnamed worms its way into my chest.To make you safe. That man scared you so much…I would not allow such a man as that to live.The words the dragon said float back to me. For the first time in a long time, I feel…protected.

Not since before my parents both perished have I felt this way. That someone was looking out for me, taking care of me, solving my problems for me. It’s always just been me, fending for myself. However, this dragon solved a major problem for me. Albeit with a more permanent solution but he did it for me.

Because Mr. Wicksome scared me.

When another plate of steaming food is set down in front of me, I look up at him. Have I been too swift to judge him? Are his true motives as nefarious as I believe? If he just wanted to eat me, surely he wouldn’t have gone to all the trouble of getting me food.

I allow myself to relax for the first time in a long time. There is no danger present here, and it’s clear he’s not going to try and eat me. Yet, that is.

“Thank you,” I say softly, not knowing if I’m giving him thanks for the food or for slaying Mr. Wicksome. He nods, his scaled lips twisting, making me believe he’s trying to smile. That hardening bulge in his leather trousers is ever-present. While it scared me before, I now see it as something else entirely. An assurance that this dragon’s lust for me, as ludicrous as that sounds, may just outweigh his desire to eat me.

At the very least, I can play into it and try and convince him to release me. My tactics have been all wrong. Brute force and surprise attacks won’t aid me. As nonsensical as it sounds, it’s the option I’ve been presented with: I’m going to flirt with a dragon.

Relaxing my shoulders, I tuck some more hair behind my ear and reach for the plate. Taking another bite, I moan softly, noting his changing posture. I chuckle quietly and look up at him, where he looms above me through my lashes.

“What is your name? I assume you have one. After all you’ve done for me, I find it rude to keep referring to you asdragon.”