She can’t get too far, the boulder she was sitting behind stopping her movements.

This small human shakes in front of me, her soaked cloak draped around her. Her gorgeous hair is plastered to the sides of her face. I watch her chest rise and fall and feel something happening inside my own. The more I gaze at her I realize how wrong I have been.

Was there anything more beautiful than gold? Yes, her.

She who is gold come to life. A possessiveness that I’ve never felt before shoots through me. My desire for her eclipses the one I’ve felt for any other treasure. She’s the ultimate find.

The only one I will ever need.

When I was a man, I wanted a family. I wanted lovers to warm my bed. Those wants faded when I found my need for gold. Now, looking at this precious human, the desires I had wanted as a man are colliding with the ones I have as a dragon.

My golden human rises on shaking legs, glancing behind her like she has a chance of escaping me. Before she can think to move, I act. Wrapping my arm around her waist and tossing her over my shoulder. She screams again and claws at my back while she tries to wiggle away from me. Her soft breasts press into my shoulder as even more desire rushes through me.

I’ll never let her go, I’ll explain that to her once she calms down. She’ll never want for anything, I’ll protect her and care for her better than any human man can. They wouldn’t know how to protect something as precious as her. She is my prize now; she belongs to me.





I’ve gotten myself into some interesting situations before, but this one may be the most absurd. I will myself to remain calm as he carries me deeper into the cave. He’s massive, easily over seven feet tall, made up of hard muscles and tough scales. My hands brush along their cool, rugged texture as his shoulder digs into my stomach. I watch with disdain as his tail flicks back and forth in front of my face. He snatched me with precision as if kidnapping women is common for him.

For a dragon, I suppose it is.

I had been trying to find shelter from the storm. As soon as my feet had crossed intoThe Woods,the dark clouds above had cracked open on a clap of thunder, and the rain began to fall. I was soaked in an instant, slipping and sliding in the mud of the forest floor. Searching for any start of overhang to wait out the downpour, this dry cave looked like the safest place to find shelter.

Now, I wish I would’ve decided to rest under a tree instead.

I let out a sigh in frustration and smack my hands against his back in a feeble effort to get him to drop me. He’s no more than an animal, right? That’s what I remember from the stories of dragons. He’s a beast. Like any wild animal, perhaps I can startle him enough to let me go and escape. My hits to his back seem to do nothing, his measured steps never faltering. From my upside-down vantage point, I can see we are getting closer to a glowing light.

His den where he’s about to char and eat me if the stories are to be believed.

Not if I have any say about it.

“Let me go!” I cry. With one last ditch effort, I wrap my hand around his massive tail and give it a tug. That makes him halt, a snarl coming from his throat. Whoops. Now, I’ve seemed to anger him. His hands tighten on my waist as he yanks me off his shoulder and cradles me in his arms.

“I—” Searching for something to say, I stare into his yellow gaze. His eyes are so bright they make me squint as if I was staring into the sun. His lips pull back to reveal two rows of sharp teeth. A forked tongue licks over them, making me shiver. His scales cover him completely, their green color glimmering in the low light. He exhales deeply, a puff of smoke containing a few embers dancing in front of my face.

The burnt smell makes my eyes water.

“Watch it, or you’re going to burn my hair off.”

I try to keep the tremble out of my voice. It’s not like he can understand me, but I have to show him I’m no easy prey.

Those big yellow eyes blink at me again before he continues walking us deeper into the cave.

“Sorry,” he says, the words swallowed up in a growl. My mouth drops open. Not only have I been captured by a dragon…I’ve been captured by atalkingdragon. That’s an interesting development, one I can use to my advantage.

After all, I have no plans on being anything’s dinner.

“You can speak?” I ask for confirmation.

“Yes.” He continues walking, the light in front of us getting brighter.

“I didn’t know dragons could talk. All the ones in the stories are just fire-breathing village destroyers. Too busy kidnapping princesses and holding them for ransom to make small talk.” The dragon merely inclines his head as if thinking over my words. The sound of the storm outside fades with each step we take.