My beautiful wife is being naughty.

Does she think I can’t smell her sweet scent on the wind as I soar above the trees? I returned to our cottage only moments ago, expecting to find her just as I left her. Relaxing in our bed where I could feed her before fucking her again like I had this morning. She prefers to stay indoors when I have to venture into town.

I typically travel into town under the cover of night with a dark hood in order to prevent giving the sellers there such a fright. However, my Anwyn has been craving oranges, and the trader who sells them was only passing through town today. I slipped him a little extra coin, and my scaly skin and claws were soon forgotten.

Those oranges now sit abandoned in our cottage while I search for my wife. We left the cave a few months after our mating. Anwyn had gotten her courses and decided to start taking the contraceptive herbs. While getting her pregnant would’ve been a joy, it just wasn’t the right time for us.

Instead, we decided to move deeper intoThe Woods. Somewhere remote but close enough to a town for me to get the things my Anwyn needs. Those early months were heady. I barely left her thighs long enough to feed her. Our love is less frenzied now but nonetheless all-consuming. Recently it’s been ramping up again at Anwyn’s insistence, and I will never deny her pleasure. Each moment we spend together, we somehow sink deeper into our feelings for each other.

Every day that I’ve spent with Anwyn, she has become more and more beautiful. My gold helped us buy the supplies for the cottage and will keep us and whatever children we may have in the future comfortable for the rest of our lives.

This curse has given me the perfect life, and I never thought I’d ever be grateful for it. But I am.

I growl as I see a flash of blue from below. Swooping down, I swallow a snarl as I see the blue dress Anwyn was wearing earlier hanging from a tree. We are deep in the woods as I begin my descent toward my wife. There is a meadow bursting with all types of beautifully colored flowers off to the side. They all pale in comparison to the beauty of my precious one.

She is oblivious to my approach, completely naked and spread out atop a silk blanket. Even though I’ve tasted every inch of her skin, and been inside her countless times, when I see her like this, it’s just like seeing her for the first time.

Silently, I creep up beside her. Moving quickly, I cover her mouth and pin her to the ground. The setting sun illuminates her golden hair, making it blend into the silk sheet. Her opal eyes are wide with surprise as she screams into my hand. It’s not long before they lower, joy replacing the surprise.

“I’ve caught you, my precious one. The dragon has you now. No ransom will be enough for me to give you back.” Anwyn moans into my hand. I slip between her thighs, her pussy soaking through my leather pants to tease my cock. She’s so perfect. It’s a mystery she’s real.

Anwyn raises her hips to drag her pink cunt along my cock, needing the friction. She loves this game we play. Her the helpless captive, and me the dragon who’s come to claim her. It’s because she knows that she holds all the power between us. I live for her, I breathe for her, and that’s how I gained her trust, and with it, her surrender. A loud ripping sound cuts through the air as I shred the fabric she’s resting on with my claws. I quickly use it to bind Anwyn’s wrists and hoist them above her head.

Her naked body is laid out for me to use however I want. I press a soft kiss to her lips.

“Lassar,” she moans as I break it.

“What was your plan, precious one? Did you think you could really escape me?”

She shakes her head, her breasts jiggling with the movement.

“The evening was lovely, I just came out here to enjoy it.”

“You mean you wanted to show your body off to anyone who saw you. Wanted to let them catch a glimpse of your pussy.” My claws close over her wet flesh. “My pussy. Did you think I would allow that?”

Anwyn smiles softly, my claws parting her folds and rubbing her clit.

“I don’t care who sees. But you’re the only one who gets to touch.”

My blood heats as I look into her beautiful face. She always knows exactly what to say to have my cock painfully hard. Leaning down, I run my tongue from her pussy, up her stomach, over each hard nipple, and then along her neck.

“That’s right. I’m the only one who gets to have you forever. Let me make sure you remember that,” I whisper against her ear.

Without warning, I plunge two fingers into her wet cunt. Her arousal coats my hand and allows me to get nice and deep, scissoring them within her until her back is arching. Her beautiful breasts are thrust into the air as I claim a nipple.

“Even after all these years as my captive, your cunt still begs for my touch.” I pump her a few more times before pulling them from her entrance and dragging them lower. I slip one finger into her ass as she squeals and thrashes in her restraints. “This hole welcomes me just as much, doesn’t it?”

“Yes! You own them,” Anwyn pants.

I’ve only taken her here with my cock a few times. She’s so tight in her little ass I can barely last a few thrusts. Tonight, I’ll use my tail. When we’re back in our bed, I’ll make her grip the footboard as I also push into this hole.

“Beg me to fuck you. Show me the treasure I got when I captured you.”

Anwyn’s cheeks are pink, but she’s a good girl. Her thighs spread wide on either side of me. Pressing up on her heels, she presents her wet cunt to me. It glistens in the setting sun, her scent strong and sweet on the wind.

“Fuck me, Lassar. Fill me with your come. Use me however you want. You own every inch of me.”

With a roar, I rear back and push my cock inside her tight pussy. She’s slick and hot and grips me tight enough to make my teeth clench. That storm that sent her into my cave was a gift. A chance to prove that I had learned from my past life. That there was more to life than gold and greed. There’s Anwyn. Every thrust inside of her body is more precious than a million gold coins.