My face flames as I look away. I don’t know what to say to that. I thought I’d be able to sneak away this morning before talk of last night came up but clearly, that is not the case. Lassar continues to cook in silence; the sizzling of bacon soon fills the lair with a wonderful smell. My stomach growls.

Over on my left, I notice a small wooden side table with two ornate chairs. Walking over to them, I sit down in one of the seats, my knees feeling weak after our conversation. This whole encounter has thrown me off kilter.

Lassar walks over to me and sets a steaming plate of eggs, bacon, and bread in front of me. Butter and jams are soon pulled from another bag. Picking up a jeweled fork he placed beside the plate, I dig in.

To his credit, Lassar does try and sit in the other chair. It’s comical the size difference. His large body causes the delicately crafted chair to whine with each shift. With a sigh, he forgoes the chair and sits on the ground. From that height, he’s more level with the table anyways.

I can’t help but smile.

“Thank you,” I say softly. Lassar’s eyes find mine. “Not just for the food. For the clothes…and for everything else.”

The dragon’s smile is equally as soft.

“You had nothing, Anwyn. I couldn’t let you set off unprepared. The journey is dangerous enough.”

“Still,” I say, “thank you. You didn’t have to do all of this.”

“I did, Anwyn.” His voice is so earnest it makes something warm bloom in my chest. My heart, cold and iced over from years of solitude, feels like it’s beginning to thaw in this warm cave.

“You’re welcome, all the same.” His smile is wide, showing me his sharp teeth. “For the clothes and the food…and everything else.”

I giggle into my breakfast plate.

He really is a kind dragon, and I am beginning to feel bad for my earlier thoughts of killing him. If I’m being honest with myself, this is the best I’ve been treated by anyone in a long time. Not saying much for humankind. This dragon may care for me because he wants my body, but he’s been respectful toward me.

Though, I wouldn’t mind a few more orgasms before I left. I’ve lived a lonely life. What can I say? The pleasure he gave me is a thousand times better than what I’ve been able to do with my own hand.

My chest feels funny again as I look toward the mouth of the cave. The pounding of rain and the claps of thunder sound ominous in this quiet cave.

“That storm sounds terrible,” I venture. Lassar nods, eating the last bit of his bacon between two claws before licking them clean. I wouldn’t mind knowing what that forked tongue feels like on my pussy, either.

Maybe I’ve truly lost my mind in this cave, but I can’t bring myself to care.

“It’s a strong one,” Lassar agrees.

With a sigh, I turn towards him. His eyes are so bright they warm my face. I don’t break his stare as I ask the next part before I lose my resolve.

“I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind, of course, if I could stay here. Just a little longer until the storm passes.” I let out a laugh and shrug. “I’d hate to get all the nice dresses and shoes you bought me ruined with mud.”

“You can stay as long as you want, my Anwyn.” His smile is as bright as his eyes. “When the storm clears, I can fly you to where you want to go. If that sounds alright to you?”

My heart pounds in my chest as I nod. The warmth in my chest spreading down my arms, into my stomach, and dancing along my fingertips.

“That sounds perfect.”

* * *

The storm doesn’t letup for three days.

Each one of those days became more precious to me than the jewels littered around this lair. They were each nothing but pure, peaceful bliss. Passing so quickly that when I woke this morning with Lassar’s strong body next to mine and did not hear the usual pounding of the rain, a deep sadness clogged my throat.

We had settled into a comfortable routine. Lassar cooks me a delicious breakfast each morning, and then we will explore the cave. He found me a drawing pad, and I will sketch for a few hours. I’m not very good, but Lassar says I show great talent. My sweet, lying dragon.

In the evenings, he will leave to get more supplies, and he no longer chains me up. We spend our nights talking. Sharing stories, mostly from his past. The life he lived as a mortal man. When we first met, he was so animalistic, but now he’s almost human again. Well, as human as someone who breathes fire can be.

I don’t do much sharing, and Lassar doesn’t press me. Mostly, I’m just content with being in his presence. That is more than evident each night when we go to sleep on the floor together. Lassar wraps himself around me, my spine molded to his chest. The first night was strange, but it didn’t take long for me to settle.

He hasn’t touched me like he did the first night, and I haven’t asked him to. I desire his touches, but the longer I’ve spent in his company, I realize I desire him as well. He’s protective of me, caring, and kind. Not since I was a child have I felt this relaxed and looked after. Lassar always makes sure I have exactly what I need. Some would find his attentiveness stifling, but I crave it.