Anwyn lays back down on the pallet, and I watch a yawn sneak up on her. Falling down beside her, I gather her to my chest, her ass once again resting against my hard cock. It begs me to show her the pleasure I can give her with it, but not tonight. My Anwyn is tired.

“Sleep, my precious Anwyn. The sun will rise before long.”

She nods, her hair tickling the underside of my chin. With her warm body in my arms and the taste of her arousal on my tongue, life seems perfect for the first time since I’ve been cursed to live in this infernal form. That’s all thanks to the treasure who is snoring softly in my arms.



Without opening my eyes, I can tell I’m alone.

The cave is eerily quiet, with only the sporadic pops and cracks coming from the fire to break up the silence. Stretching my arms above my head, I let out a deep sigh, happy to be on my own this morning so that I’m able to reflect on the absurdity of last night.

I still feel his claws on me. Pulling down the top of my shift, I can see the faint impressions of his claws on my breasts. I’ve never let any man touch me like that; a few have stolen kisses in the past, but nothing like what Lassar did. He devastated my mouth with his own. His kiss was filled with so much reverence. Thinking about them, I feel my pussy growing wet again.

Watching him lick my come from his tail had almost made me climax again.

Which is ridiculous, given that he is a dragon. A dragon who kidnapped me, if nothing else. It makes little difference if he was once a man. Doesn’t it? I honestly don’t know. All I do know is that when I told him my plan was to leave this morning, he didn’t say I had to stay.

He didn’t say anything on the subject if I recall correctly; my mind still racing with the memory of what we did on the silk sheets. Perhaps it is the oddity of the whole situation, but I don’t regret what happened. He had made me warm, fed me, and provided me with a mind-altering orgasm. There is a part of me, a small ridiculous part, that wants to stay here longer. Which, again, is absurd. What type of future would I have here?

A good one, a voice whispers in my head, but I ignore it.

I do plan on leaving. Now that he’s gone and I have been left unshackled, I need to get a move on. Enjoying that last bit of warmth from the fire, I rise, covering myself in another silk sheet. I should ask Lassar if I can borrow this for my journey. And a few coins; it’s not like he can’t spare them.

My plan to slip away quietly is quickly thwarted when I hear a commotion at the front of the cave. It’s only a few moments until Lassar’s massive wings swoop down in the middle of the lair. His muscled back flexes as he collapses his wings. The torches have been lit, and they illuminate his emerald scales. They sparkle in the light. My cheeks heat as I remember how those scales felt on the delicate skin of my thighs.

His eyes meet mine, their gold color glowing with a hundred emotions that I have to duck my head. Again, this whole situation is ridiculous. Why am I being shy around a dragon? A dragon who protected me and killed Mr. Wicksome for scaring me. Who went out into a storm to make sure I had something to eat.

His claws click along the stone floor, his tail rattling through scattered gold coins and goblets. I keep my head down until I see him set two large leather bags at my feet. They are covered in raindrops; if I listen closely, I can still hear the storm raging overhead.

I suppress a groan. Travel will be miserable. That is if I am still permitted to go…

As if he heard my thoughts, Lassar takes a step back and clears his throat.

“These looked like your size.”

I look up at him with a brow raised, and he gestures toward the bags. Curious, I drop to my knees and begin unloading their contents. My hands tremble as I realize what he’s brought me. Gowns, wool ones, and simple cotton ones in a myriad of colors. A few pairs of shoes ranging from dancing slippers to thick leather boots that will aid me today as I travel through the mud.

A loud clap of thunder echoes through the cave. My hands grip one of the wool gowns. It’s so warm in this cave. The thought of traipsing through icy rain has me reconsidering leaving. Would it be so bad to stay? A least for a little while longer?

Again, as if he can read my thoughts, Lassar takes a step towards me.

“Would you like breakfast before you head out? I want to make sure you’re fed, my Anwyn. You will need your strength navigatingThe Woods.”

“That would be wonderful, Lassar. Thank you.” Rising, I slip the new wool gown over my shift. It fits me perfectly. Smoothing my hands down the gray fabric, I look up to see Lassar back at the fire. A pan is heating over the open flame as he cracks a few eggs into it.

“Where did you get all of these things?” I ask. While I am happy to be in possession of these fine items, whoever their original owner is will need them come winter. It’s not as if I haven’t stolen before, but for some reason, the thought makes me regretful. Ashamed even, and I don’t know why.

“I scared a human trader enough cutting throughThe Woodsto take my coin in exchange for giving me what he was meant to be delivering to a nobleman’s daughter.” Lassar looks over at me, his scaled lips tipping into a smile. “Of course, after I assured him I was not going to eat him.”

“I’m sure that was his first thought.”

“Is that what your first thought of me was? That I was going to eat you,” Lassar asks.

“Well—” I start, cringing at his question.

“You know I have no desire to devour any part of you.” His tongue licks over his lips. “Except your pretty little cunt.”