“They’re bears,” I insist.
“Has he learned to say ‘dada’?” Morgan asks.
“Not yet.”
“Maybe you should. Impress your man.”
I twist my lips. “It’ll make him sad.”
Morgan cocks her head, her eyes asking questions. She then whispers, “Did he break your heart?” Her face shows that she’s ready to fight if I say yes.
“No. But do you remember what you said in Bozeman? When you urged me to give it a go with Jack and not worry about whether it was going to work out?”
“I told you I couldn’t pursue Jack because I was getting back together with Willem.”
“That part, I remember.”
“Then you asked if I’d rather be heartbroken by that woman-beater or by an honorable man.”
“So Jack did break your heart!”
“The truth is, Morgie, I feel that he’s slipping away, but I don’t feel brokenhearted. If he had cheated on me, yes, I would’ve. Or if, one day, we did part ways, and I found out he was moving on with another woman, then yeah.”
“If he ever did that to you, I’d make sure to kick him in the balls myself. You know I could!”
I shake my head, chuckling. “Somehow, I can’t see that happening. I may be getting ahead of myself, but he’s never had a serious relationship before me. And his attachment is so strong. Whatever you call it—dedication, devotion.”
“How about you? Are you as attached to him?”
“He’s the only one, Morgie. I won’t give up on us.”
Morgan’s smile reveals that she already knows the answer. She pulls me into our signature besties-forever embrace and gives me a peck on my temple. Her belief in me strengthens my resolve as I prepare to claim my Jack back.
I gaze at the array of packed and unpacked bags strewn across the room. Most of them belong to Quinton, but they serve as a constant reminder of my own failure. I never intended to make things difficult for Ava. I just didn’t want us to be isolated in Hawaii, even though it meant being apart from Willem. I can feel that evil nearby. I want to confront him, but I also know that I can’t handle everything on my own, especially if I want to take a chance on what Willem referred to as ‘the truth.’ Being close to Red Mark played a significant role in my decision to remain in Helena.
Ava has been quiet ever since we returned from our trip to Yellowstone. Perhaps I’ve been the one avoiding talking to her. Yes, she did try to start a conversation, but there must’ve been something in my body language that made her stop.
As Quinton snoozes in his crib, Ava busies herself with laundry. She’s been spending time in there, watching the washing machine.
Despite the distant look in her eyes, I approach her. “Why don’t you wait for me in the living room? I’ll prepare some tea for both of us.”
She lets out a grumble, tossing a T-shirt into a basket. It’s mine. With an irritated voice, she exclaims, “It’s taken you this long to make the effort?”
“I’m sorry. I know you wanted to talk to me, but I wasn’t ready. Please, give me a chance?” I plead, my arms encircling her waist. In a moment of surrender, she exhales, releasing the clothes she held—yet another of my T-shirts.
She makes her way to the living room while I head to the kitchen to brew our tea.
Joining her moments later, I settle myself right beside her.
My lungs are in overdrive, expelling air rapidly while struggling to replenish it. Confession is never an easy thing. I’m not merely disclosing a secret to her. I’m about to destroy what we’ve built together.
“Ava,” I start, reaching over to her. I struggle to recall if my voice ever trembled like this when I said her name.