We both chuckle. The welcome reprieve alleviates the intense atmosphere.
Soon, the vibes change once again.
He takes a deep breath, sincerity in his voice, “Everything we’ve shared floored me, confused me, scared me, yet it strengthened me. It brought out the best in me, everything that love should be.”
Everything love should be.
His words cut deep, seeping inside me with sincerity and stirring my emotions. Sometimes, I’ve thought love was just a lofty ideal, something people strive for but never truly attain. But with Hux, it feels real.
“I don’t want to lose you, Sav.” His voice is firm, filled with a modesty that pulls at my heartstrings.
“You won’t lose me, Hux,” I reply, feeling my own emotions swell. “Because I love you too, more deeply than you even know.”
For a brief moment, we’re lost in each other, covered in a perfect bubble of mutual understanding and affection. We kiss, our lips meeting with a gentleness that seals our promises of a shared future.
But then, I sense a subtle change in his hold. It’s slight, but to me, it’s as clear as day. I know him too well not to notice.
“What is it, Hux?” I ask, easing back to look into his eyes.
He pauses, the significance of his next words seeming to weigh on him. “I’m going to ask you for a big favor. A huge one,” he admits, searching my eyes for a sign of understanding.
“Tell me,” I urge, my voice steady.
He takes a deep breath. “Please understand, I didn’t tell you I love you just to make you agree to this. It’s more than an agenda. But you can say nothing, and you can say no. I will respect your decision, and it won’t change how I feel about you. But here’s what I need to do. I need to go to Colombia to rescue her son.”
My heart races, not quite ready for this twist. “Her son? As in, your son too?”
“No, not mine. When Valentina and I met, he was four. After the raid in the jungle, I promised to take her and her son here. But while I was in the hospital, the cartel got to her first. Her son ran away with his grandmother. Now, his grandmother has been shot dead.”
“Oh, no! How old is he now? Eight?” I ask, trying to grasp the gravity of the situation.
“Yes,” he confirms. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this from the start. Call me a liar, a coward. I don’t care, as long as you know that I love you.”
“What are you going to do? Smuggle him into the country?” I inquire, the seriousness of the situation dawning on me.
“No. He and his mother were supposed to migrate here after that day, but of course, she didn’t make it. However, Rodolfo has a U.S. Passport, and the CIA has fulfilled their promise—for a change. They’ve prepared the paperwork for me to bring him here. So I’m not doing it under the table. Red Mark knows, too.” His explanation lays bare the complexity of his commitment not only to the past but to our future as well.
I avert his gaze, processing the implications of what it means to bring the boy here.
Hux speaks up, “Sav, I just want to bring him here so he’s safe. He doesn’t have to be a part of our life if you don’t want him to be.”
His words linger in the air as I ponder. My life has been surrounded by cattle and everything ranching, but kids have always been a part of my days, too.
Suddenly, a burst of happiness fills me at the thought of an eight-year-old boy finding safety with us.
Hux continues, “I talked to Mark. He and Ivy are willing to help if?—”
I can’t contain my excitement. Hell, I can’t wait to meet this boy!
Huxley looks at me, his features creasing as if he fears my reaction might be one of distress. “Sav? Are you okay?”
“Rodolfo, you said? That’s his name?” My voice lifts with intrigue and eagerness.
“Yes,” he replies, still puzzled by my sudden shift in mood.
I take a deep breath and pull him close, feeling like he’s an inseparable part of me. “You’re my everything, Hux. I get it. You needed time to figure things out before sharing everything. I understand why you didn’t tell me sooner. Everything is on the table now, and my feelings haven’t changed. I love you. What you value, I value too. So please, bring him home, to our home.”
“You don’t know how much that means to me,” he murmurs. “But it’s a huge commitment, Sav. Don’t do it just for me.”