The loose wooden floor shakes as the big man hits the ground with a heavy thud. I’m certain he was the last one standing between me and her. Frantically, I dart around the lodge, lifting cushions and tossing aside storage boxes. “Savannah!” My voice reverberates in the empty spaces, desperate and raw.

She’s nowhere inside.

Bursting out the back door, I plow through the darkness, my flashlight searching frenziedly. I call her again, and in the rebound of my voice, a persistent thumping sound grabs my attention. I halt, straining to locate its source. It’s coming from a decrepit freezer tucked away in the corner, its lid rattling subtly.

“Sav!” My throat is tight as I call out to her.

A faint, muffled scream answers back.

Without a second thought, I aim and shoot the padlock, snapping it open. I fling back the lid, and there she is.

“Sav!” I stoop and lift her into my arms. “Baby… I’m here. I’m right here.”

I remove her gag, feeling my own hands shaking.

“Hux!” she cries, her voice breaking with relief.

I settle her across my lap, my survival knife slicing through the ropes that bind her wrists. The moment she’s free, she throws her arms around me. I breathe into her as if I would die if I didn’t.

“Hux, you found me.”

“Are you okay? Tell me you’re okay,” I beg as I frantically check her for injuries. The skin around her wrists is raw, a sign that she was struggling to set herself free.

“Where is he?” She straightens up, eyes searching around nervously.

“He’s gone. I mean, he won’t bother us anymore.”

“He’s dead? Is that what you mean?”

Thoughts of almost losing her kept me from articulating the word as if it would cast a curse on us. “Yes, Sav.”

She exhales as she snuggles back into my arms.

“Tell me you’re okay, baby.” I need to hear her say it.

“Yeah,” she whispers, trying to muster a brave smile.

Then my eyes land on her left foot. They’ve removed her shoes and socks, and what I see is alarming. “Jesus, Sav...” The faint light reveals a swollen mess like an abstract blob. If it was daylight, I would’ve seen it discolored, covered with deep shades of purple and blue.

“Well, my foot’s busted, but otherwise, I’m fine.” She gives me a weak smile. “How did you find me?” There’s a hint of knowing in her eyes as if she already has her suspicions.


“I thought I heard her,” Savannah murmurs, taking a deep, shuddering breath. “I owe my life to that loyal girl.”

I pull her closer, my lips meeting hers in a kiss filled with relief, love, and promises too deep for words.

I can’t help but grin. “How about me?”

“You know, horses have a keen sense about their riders.”She places a palm against my cheek. “Maybe you were guiding her, even from afar.”

I chuckle, giving her palm a peck.

“I owe everything to you, Hux,” she says, her embrace wrapping me in warmth only she can give.

But then she wriggles herself free, sitting up nervously.

“What is it, Sav?”