“Thank you for not murdering me,” is all I can manage to say back, and he laughs.
“I like you, Damon,” he says back, and then we clink our drinks together, and all is good in the world.
Diamond can’t stop looking at Echo, and I can’t stop giving him shit about it. “Why don’t you just ask her out? Corey said she’s coming to the clubhouse tomorrow night—perfect opportunity.”
“Is she?” he asks, perking up. “I don’t know. She’s just so regal and proper, and I’m a fucking ex-stripper and porn star.”
I start choking, and my future brother-in-law hits me on the back. We might not have spoken about marriage yet, but there’s no doubt that one day Corey is going to be my wife. “Okay, I didn’t know that part.”
“Must have slipped my mind,” he replies, shrugging sheepishly, his eyes going back to Echo.
“A lot of slipping would have been happening,” Blaze adds, laughing to himself. “Fucking hell, Diamond. Imagine if she’s watching porn one day and just comes across you. If you ask her out, you should probably give her the heads-up. Not head. The heads-up,” he clarifies, and we are all assholes because soon everyone is laughing.
Diamond rubs the back of his neck. “Well, not much I can do about my past. I haven’t done it in a few years, if that makes it any better. And some women seem to like it.”
I look over at Echo in her business attire—no-nonsense white shirt and black slacks—and wonder if she’s one of those women.
I’m going to go with no.
But hey, you never know.
She comes over and looks at us. “What’s the occasion?”
“We’re all alive,” Romeo says, lifting up his scotch.
Cheers all around.
“Corey has invited me to the clubhouse tomorrow, I hope that’s okay,” she checks with Romeo.
“Of course, you are always welcome,” he tells her. “It’s nice you’ve finally decided to mix business and pleasure.”
“Well, I don’t know about all that,” she murmurs, her eyes going to Diamond.
“But I’m looking forward to catching up with the girls. Corey told me not to bring anything, but I want to. Is there anything you can think of?” she asks me.
“She’d have it all handled. I bet she’s gone out and bought everything already knowing her,” I reply, pulling out my phone to see if she’s messaged me, and she has.
Corey: I spoke to Rosalind. Word on the grapevine is Melinda isn’t even pregnant, but is trying to get pregnant now.
“Motherfucker,” I whisper.
Damon: I knew it! My gut was telling me that was the case, but I was trying not to be an asshole.
Corey: Not the smartest plan. The timing would be off and you’d know that. I think she’s just desperate.
Damon: She has been quiet, so maybe she’s decided not to continue with her scheme.
“What?” Jag asks, nosily trying to look at my screen.
I tell them what Corey said, and they all cheer again.
“I can’t believe she tried to pull this on you.” Romeo shakes his head, scowling. “At least I’m not the only one with a pain-in-the-ass ex...” He pauses. “Not even girlfriend. Ex-hookup.”
“I just hope she lets it go and leaves me alone now,” I say, swallowing down the rest of my drink quickly. “I don’t need Corey to get upset again just because Melinda can’t get over the fact that I’ve got an old lady now, and I’m not fucking her.”
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Romeo replies, asking Echo if he can get another round of drinks.