Harley eyed us. “We did try to suggest yesterday when you ordered us here that we get help. And macho man there,” Harley pointed at Klutz, “snapped and said we were fully capable of decorating the Hall.”

Gauntlet and I turned to stare at Klutz, who shrugged and stood his ground.

“That would have been cheating,” Klutz retorted.

“And Wild, Cowboy, and Savage did not cheat when they realised Phoe had placed an order for the trees?” I asked. “Who else has cheated?”

“Jett, Hunter, Slate, and Blaze. They didn’t go shopping in time and half their list was sold out. We let them sweat for a couple of days, as we’d already bought every single toy on the list. Then we gave Blaze the missing ones,” Grey announced.

“Really? Sneaky shits, ain’t ya prospects?” Klutz demanded.

“Dude, you know how much Christmas means to the women. And honestly, none of you have any idea of how much goes into it. So yeah, we’ve booked the team to come in tomorrow and Monday. Dad told you to take care of it, not actually physically do it. Which means you owe us a marker like the others do,” Harley explained.

“And if we don’t give you a marker?” Gauntlet asked.

“Then we will pay the people even though you didn’t want them, and we’ll struggle for the next week getting this done,” Cody responded.

“You got your markers, and we’ll pay for the decorators,” I said after swapping glances with Klutz and Gauntlet.

“Thank fuck this shit is over,” Gauntlet hissed.

“Jodie said the kids have put all the ground stuff in the right positions. Let’s flip this breaker and head inside,” Cody suggested.

We had turned the electrics off after we’d checked all the lights were working because we didn’t want to blow a fuse by tripping over the wires. And we’d all tripped over at least one.

Gauntlet flipped the breaker, and, for a brief moment, the trees all lit up beautifully. I had to admit, it was impressive.

Then, there was a bang, and the circuit blew, and the grounds and Hall plunged into darkness.

“Not again!” Phoe screeched from somewhere inside the Hall.

“Aw shit!”


I tapped my foot as Mr Ames and Albert headed downstairs yet again to restore power to the Hall. What was it with the brothers that they kept blowing my electrics? Considering the wiring was all new, not even a decade old, I had no idea how they managed to keep doing it.

“Hey Phoe, the gardens are lit up,” Aurora Victoria called.

We’d all wrapped up planning to check the gardens out that had been decorated. I had a sinking sensation in my gut because every time Jodie looked at me, she began giggling. Clearly, the brothers had done something.

I headed outside with the gaggle of women and stopped at the sight that met my eyes on the back lawn. Fornicating reindeer were everywhere.

My mouth dropped open as I stared at a reindeer orgy. Jodie collapsed into laughter, followed by Carly and Aurora Victoria.

“Wow, is that one being gang-banged?” Penny asked, and I turned to stare. Holy shit! How the hell had they managed that?

I made a strangled noise as Jemma started taking photos, and Willow began filming.

“Not sure if I should be worried that Grey is apparently into bestiality,” she muttered, and the old ladies began screaming with laughter.

I blinked and headed further down towards my rose garden. There, I let out a shriek.

“I’ll never look at candy canes the same way again,” Lindsey choked out through laughter.

A Santa was bent over, and the end of a candy cane had disappeared between his red plump ass cheeks. Another Santa seemed to be banging, another one that was bent over. A third Santa hugged a large candy cane as if it was pole dancing. Everywhere I looked, there were scenes of sex acts being carried out.

“Should I check the other gardens?” I whispered, appalled. This needed cleaning up before the Hellions saw it.