“Oh, yes!”
He turned slowly onto his side, still locked with her, and looked into her soft eyes. His black hair was damp and fell roguishly onto his broad forehead. He touched her swollen mouth carefully. “The asthma...surely that would make it more difficult for you?”
She traced his thick eyebrows and his high cheekbones. “Don’t you want a son with me?”
His eyes closed. “Yes,” he said tautly. “More than anything in the world!”
She smiled tenderly and reached forward to kiss his hard mouth. She moved experimentally and laughed at the pleasure it invoked. Her gaze met his. “Again,” she whispered. “Please.”
His hands slid down to her hips and held them against his. He moved sinuously and caught his breath when he felt himself swell.
“Oh...yes,” she gasped. “Yes!”
He had planned to say something to her, but he couldn’t think what it was. His teeth clenched as the fever came upon him again and his hips thrust helplessly against hers.
It was hot and wild and all too quickly over. The tenderness of the time before was eclipsed by the headlong passion they shared. She was as violent as he, biting and clawing this time, a hellcat under his thrusting body. The climax, when it came, lifted them both in a hot flood of satisfaction that left them gasping and spent.
* * *
THEYSLEPTFORALONGTIME,sprawled nude on the quilt, in each other’s arms. It was dark in the room when they awoke.
Eduardo sat up, groaning as he stretched his sore muscles. “Señora Ramirez,” he murmured drily. “I think you’ve sprained my back.”
“Are you complaining?” she murmured, rubbing her bare foot over his long leg, insinuating it high up on his thigh.
He caught it and followed it up her body. He found her mouth and kissed her with drowsy passion. “Never,” he whispered. “I love the way you are with me in bed, Bernadette. I love the way it feels when we join.”
“So do I.” She nuzzled her face into his throat. “I’m hungry,” she said, like a child.
He chuckled. “I’m hungry, too. Did we eat anything?”
“I couldn’t eat breakfast, because I was so sick,” she murmured wearily. “I’m starved.”
“Shall we get dressed and go in search of food?”
He lit the lamp and studied her with delight as she got out of bed and started dressing. “What an exquisite body you have,” he murmured as he retrieved his own clothes from the floor, where they were scattered around the bed. “I never dreamed how sensuous it would be.”
“Neither did I,” she confided. She paused as she was fastening up her blouse. “Eduardo, am I quite normal?” she asked seriously.
He buttoned his trousers before he caught her by the arms and looked down at her. “Why, because you give yourself so completely?”
“That, and the things I say to you.”
He smiled, then bent and kissed her softly. “Bernadette, you’re a dream. You’re all my hopes fulfilled. I wouldn’t change one thing about the way you are with me.” He traced her softly swollen mouth tenderly. “The only regret I have, if you could call it that, is my own lack of stamina. I want you far more times than I’m capable of having you.”
“Yes, but I never seem to stop,” she murmured. “I mean, it happens only one time for you, but I go on and on.”
“Women do,” he whispered wickedly. “And I love it that you go on and on, because I get as much pleasure from your many times as I get from my one.”
He laughed and wrapped her up close. “Really.” He sighed. “The first intelligent thing I’ve done in my life was to marry you.”
Her heart jumped. “You truly aren’t sorry?”