Page 87 of Wyoming True

“Nobody’s pressing charges against him,” Ida replied, and she smiled at a shocked Fred. “It’s hard to find a really good driver.”

They all laughed, breaking the tension.

Just then, her phone rang.

She answered it, still buoyed up by her delight at not having to face a furious Bailey. “Hello?”

“Where the hell are you? Are you all right? If that weasel has hurt a hair on your head, I’ll beat him to a bloody pulp and feed him to Wolf...!”

That was her husband, and he was raving mad. “It’s okay, Jake,” she said softly. “I’m here with Fred and Mr. Garrison, from my attorney’s office. Fred’s going to testify against Bailey. Bailey had his mother,” she added quickly. “But he couldn’t go through with taking me to Bailey.” There was a pregnant silence. “He’s the best driver we’ll ever get,” she added, a faint plea in her voice.

“Where are you?” he repeated.

She looked around. “Where are we?” she asked the two men.

Garrison told her with an amused smile. She told Jake.

“I’m in the air. We’ll land at the Rimrocks. Can you meet me there?” He gave her the ETA.

She gave it, in turn, to the men and asked if they could get her to the airport.

“We’ll get you there...” He paused, because his own phone was ringing. He got out of the car to answer it.

“If anything had happened to you,” Jake began through his teeth.

Elation filled her like cake. “I’m fine. Really.”

He relaxed. “Okay. I’ll see you soon.”

She hung up. “It’s okay,” she assured Fred, who was still tormented.

Garrison got back into the car. “That was your sheriff, Cody Banks. He’s been in touch with the Denver authorities. They sent a US marshal to pick up your ex-husband. He’s in custody.”

Ida and Fred both let out sighs of relief.

“We’re safe, Fred,” Ida told the driver.

He laughed. Then he grimaced. “Well, until your husband gets here, at least,” he said sheepishly.

“I wouldn’t worry,” Garrison chuckled. “I expect he’ll be too relieved that his wife is safe to go looking for a big bat.”

Ida hoped that was the case.

JAKE’SFACEWASdrawn and pale, and he strode toward her so quickly that before she could even say hello, he had her up in his arms off the ground, and he was kissing her, blind and deaf to the comings and goings of amused travelers around them.

“My sweetheart,” he groaned into her ear as his arms tightened. “I thought the plane would never get here! Are you sure you’re all right?” he added, putting her down gently.

“I am, thanks to Fred and Mr. Garrison,” she added, indicating the two men.

Fred moved forward, hunched and miserable. “I’m so sorry, Mr. McGuire. I’ve got a record. I was a wheelman for the mob and I’ve served time. Mr. Trent had my mom. She’s all I’ve got. He said he’d kill her if I didn’t do what he said.” He looked up at Jake. “I won’t mind going back to jail. My mom’s safe...”

“Your mom and you,” Jake said quietly. “I can’t thank you enough for what you did. It took guts.”

“How do you know?” Fred asked.

Jake indicated Garrison, who was grinning. “He phoned me.”

“Oh.” Fred looked up at him. “I’m not fired?”