“Nothing,” was Lucifer’s perplexing reply.

I raised my brows. “Okay,” I said, drawing out the syllables. “Then, if you don’t mind, I’ll just be?—”

“Sit back down.”

I’d already gotten to my feet, ready to return to my quarters, when his words made me freeze and slowly lower myself onto the couch again.

At my no doubt nonplussed expression, Lucifer waved his hand and said, “I want you to sit with me. Stay here for a while. You aren’t due to go to Earth for a few more hours.”

Yeah, and I’d been looking forward to spending those packing my shit and then burying my nose in a good romance novel in the comfy confines of my half-ruined rooms. Alas, it looked like I was going to sit inthesehalf-ruined rooms instead.

“Was there…something you wanted to talk about?” I ventured.

“No.” His gaze was once more on the ceiling, his throat working as he swallowed. When he spoke again, his voice was as quiet as a whisper in a graveyard. “I can feel the spark of her essence when you’re near. It’s barely a sliver of her energy, yet it is enough to give me comfort.” He took a rasping breath. “Enough to keep the darkness at bay, for a while.”

An ache shot through my heart, making me wince. The sorrow surrounding him was so palpable it felt like I might be able to touch it if I reached out.

“I see,” I murmured.

And I did. I’d be gone again for about three weeks, and he’d be all alone, with the only piece of Lilith that was left once more far away from him. Sure, he’d have the pictures and videos of her to give him some solace, but if he could indeed sense Lilith through that kernel of her power inside me and it soothed him, he’d have to endure without it for the next couple of weeks.

So it made sense that he wanted to feel her energy through me for a few hours before I left.

“Do you mind if I read while we sit?” I summoned my latest romance book and wiggled it.

He gave a negligent wave. “Go ahead.”

Alrighty. I opened the book to the scene where I’d stopped and then realized with mortification that it had been in the middle of a spicy scene. Inhaling through my nostrils, I skimmed forward, trying to find the end of that scene.

I leafed through the pages, my frustration and embarrassment mounting with every second because—dear Lord, was this book all smut? Not that I minded under different circumstances, but holy eggplant emoji, this was definitely the wrong kind of reading material to be perusing in the company of Lucifer.

Snapping the book shut, I smiled tightly and chirped, “On second thought, never mind.”

He eyed me without moving his head from where it rested against the back of the chair. “What were you reading?”

“Nothing of importance,” I rushed to say and then stuffed the damned book underneath my butt for good measure, lest Lucifer try to take it.

The book vanished from underneath me and reappeared in Lucifer’s hand.

God damn those summoning powers!

The heat of a thousand suns rolled through me and up into my face as he peered at the title and cover.

Raising his brows, he shot me a curious look. “Is that an octopus man? With tentacles?”

Grimacing, I summoned the book right out of his hand and back to me again. “An alien. You know, from a different planet. With a different…physique.”

He tilted his head. “And that woman?—”

“You know what? I really think we should return to sitting in silence. That was a good deal. Very quiet. Nonintrusive.”I nodded decisively and sat back with my arms crossed, still holding the book in a death grip.

Only, that death grip didn’t do squat against summoning powers. A moment later, my hand curled around nothing, and that cursed book was back in Lucifer’s grasp.

“Okay, fine!” I growled. “Knock yourself out. Just don’t ask me any questions.”

He was looking at the cover again. “But?—”

“This is not a book club!”