“I have the utmost faith in your cognitive abilities.”
He uttered a soft sound of appreciation.As you should. I will deliver your message.
Ha! Flattery always worked with cats. “Where did you last see Vengeance?”
Near the gate to Tokyo.
I stopped short. “Are you telling me there’s a gate toTokyoon these premises?”
That habit of yours, Mephisto purred,of repeating what I just told you in a question, I find it quite concerning. Is your mind degrading?
Ugh. “So, Lucifer has direct access to two major metropolitan areas. That’s incredible.”
More than two. How do you think he accumulated so much wealth? He has territorial claims on Earth in many densely populated regions, which means his demons reap the most souls.
“Right, okay. So, how do I get to the Tokyo gate?”
I came here on paths you cannot follow, he said all catlike.Therefore, you must find your own way through the palace.
Dammit, he was of no help here. “All right, thanks anyway.” I waved at him. “Please come see me again.”
Maybe, was his aloof answer.
I grinned and then dashed out of the room. Skidding into the hallway, I paused for a second, then decided to jog to the right, tracing the way Gilarion had escorted me from Lucifer’s room. From there, I’d follow the path Haniel had brought me into the palace, at least until I ran into someone whom I could commandeer to show me to the Tokyo gate.
When I reached the door to the tomb-like room in which Lucifer had received me, I slowed down to sneak past it on tiptoes and at a snail’s pace. The last thing I needed was for the Devil to come barging out into the hallway and order me back into my suite.
My heart thumped madly all the way up into my throat as I crept forward. I could swear the deathly chill of the room emanated from underneath the door to whisper over my legs.
Once I was far enough away from the room, I started running again.
The walls zoomed past me. It took me a few minutes, but then it hit me that I was out and about in a building in Hell, all on my lonesome, without a guard…and I wasn’t afraid.
Because I could hold my own now. I wasn’t prey anymore. No inferni would dare to attack me, and no other slithering creatures hiding in the shadows would think me an easy meal. It was such a heady feeling.
Despite my overall shitty situation, despite my forced separation from Azazel and the uncertainty about the future, a smile broke out on my face, and I almost laughed as I ran.
I’m not weak any longer.
If only the me from nine years ago could see me now.
I finally came across another demon as I hurried down a half-crumbled staircase. Much like in Heaven with the other angels I’d met, I couldsenseher power level. But not just that—I could perceive it as beneath my own. It was a subtle vibration in the air that some part of my new demon nature immediately interpreted assubordinate.
“You!” I shouted and pointed my finger at her.
She stilled, her eyes widening as she took me in. Instantly, she made a deep bow, greeting me with clear deference. A part of me marveled at how easily I fit into this world now.
“Where is the Tokyo gate?” I inquired.
Opening her mouth, she hesitated. “Are you a visitor, my lady?”
“No,” I said and made the split-second decision to bring out the big guns. “I am His Grace’s ward and under his direct protection.”
Hey, if I was forced to toil for that fucker, I would absolutely use every little bit of authority that position might give me. Hell was all about taking advantages where one could find them.
She blanched a little at my mention of being this closely connected to Lucifer, then she straightened and waved her hand. “I can show you to the gate, my lady.”
“Thank you.”