Ice-cold dread tiptoed down my spine. “What if I mess up? This is the fucking power of death we’re talking about! I don’t think I should be ‘just throwing it around.’?”

“I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it. Until then, having you at an archdemon’s strength instead will hopefully suffice. You just need to be able to go toe-to-toe with Ashtaroth if push comes to shove, at least until Azazel wakes up. With any luck, we’ll haveher taken down before Abaddon gets here, so we won’t have to fight two archdemons at once.”

“And then?” I sucked in a breath, my head a bit dizzy. “I’m not sure I can square up against Ashtaroth, let alone fight and defeat Abaddon right after.”

His expression was grim. “I’ll recover in time. At the very least, to the point where I’ll be able to take an archdemon. And this palace isn’t entirely defenseless. My ranks have been thinned before, but Daevi and Azazel both brought in enough people to even out the numbers again. If we can keep Ashtaroth and Abaddon busy, I’m sure my soldiers will be able to hold the defense?—”

The flapping of wings interrupted him, and we both looked up to where a hellcat perched on the rafters in the gloom of the ceiling.

Sire, the feline spoke in a grave tone.I bring tidings from Promakos.

“Head of security,” Lucifer muttered for my benefit.

Messages have arrived, warning of incoming armies from the east and west.The cat swished his tail.They will be here in minutes.

Lucifer was silent for a few heartbeats, then he cursed and kicked the table, toppling it and sending the dishes clattering to the ground.

“Gadreel and Baal,” he growled.

I couldn’t breathe. “The archdemons?” I choked out.

“Four out of seven.” He put both hands on his hips and stared unseeing at the wall. Seemingly speaking his thoughts out loud, he muttered, “Tamiel will likely stay out of it, Daevi is far away in her territory, and the last remaining archdemon is currently unconscious.” He glanced at Azazel. “Though he doesn’t hold the position anymore. Who was it he picked as successor?”

How was he this calm and collected? How was he not running around like a chicken with its head cut off, which was all I wanted to do at this moment?

I scrambled to stand, finally able to use my legs. My voice was reed-thin, my hands shaking as I asked, “Are you saying there arefourarchdemons attacking us?”

“Yes, keep up.” He snapped his fingers at me. “Who will take over for Azazel in his territory?”


“Good.” He started pacing. “She’s got a level head, and she’s likely to follow Azazel’s lead in politics.” Peering up at the shadow-shrouded ceiling, he called out, “Send word to Verrin. And to Daevi. Request their assistance. Make sure to dispatch the fastest fliers, and tell them to fly as high into the cloud cover as possible without getting fried.”

A beat of silence, then,Treats?

My jaw going slack, I stared at the cat. “Seriously?”

“You’ll get all the treats you desire once this palace is safe again,” Lucifer growled. “And it’s in your interest that we win. Ashtaroth doesn’t like cats.”

With a hiss, the feline took off into the darkness.

“She doesn’t like cats?” I raised my brows and muttered, “That explains a whole lot.”

Lucifer picked up a sword that lay near the barred door and summoned a sheath on a belt that he strapped around his waist. “This complicates matters,” he grumbled as he slid the blade into the sheath.

“Youthink?” I squeaked. “How likely is it that your battered defenses will hold againstfourarchdemons converging on the palace?”

“I don’t dwell on calculating odds,” he shot back, summoning an entire plate of armor and fastening it to his torso.

“How very Han Solo of you.”

“Hans who?”

Dear Lord.I rubbed my face with both hands.


I looked back at him just as he threw me a sheathed blade. My attempt at catching it failed grandly, and the sword hit me straight in the face. “Ouch!”