Next to me, Daevi rustled her wings, whether in appreciation of my coarse language or in rejection of it, I had no clue.

The archangels, however, were clearly not amused. They stared at me in varying degrees of hostility and censure.

“None of you wants another war,” I said smoothly. “I am willing to give you the guarantee that there won’t be one, under one new condition. You would do well to accommodate me with this, seeing as I’m the reason we’re not standing on the ruins of human civilization by now. Not to mention that should I step back from my claim to the throne, because, say, my conditionsaren’t met, and one of the other contenders for the position takes over, the truce would soon be considered entirely null and void.” I leaned forward, my voice steely. “I am your best bet for keeping peace on Earth—and in Heaven—and you would be smart not to alienate me.”

I felt a push like a mental knock and opened my mind to the communication request from Daevi.Well done, her melodious voice echoed in my head.You already know how to handle them.

All three of them regarded me silently for a moment, then Uriel said, “We will bring these tidings before our brethren to discuss. We shall be in touch.”

“Be sure to consider the fate of the world in your discussion,” I said with a smile that held a bite.

Uriel lifted her chin and launched herself into the sky, followed by Gabriel, their strong wings carrying them far away from us within seconds. Raphael didn’t make a move to leave. Instead, he caught my gaze and jerked his head at me.

“A word,” he said and stepped out of earshot of Daevi and Verrin.

We will watch, Daevi spoke into my mind.Be on guard.

Always, was my reply.

Priming my power to strike, I joined Raphael a few paces away.

I nodded at him. “Speak.”

“What did you seek in Heaven?” he whispered harshly, his light blue eyes blazing.

It took all of my might not to flinch or grow suspiciously still. Feigning confusion, I asked, “What are you talking about?”

“Do not pretend.” He bared his teeth, his power electrifying the air. “I know it was you. Did you think I would not recognize your face?”

“I sure would hope that my countenance is striking enough to leave a lasting impression,” I replied with a smirk. I wanted to grit my teeth at the effort it took to keep talking with him in a civilized tone, given that the last time we’dtalkedbefore this meeting had been with his dagger rammed into my stomach. “But since we have never met before, whatever recognition you believe to experience must be a conjecture of your mind.”

He wrinkled his nose. “I know what I saw. Your face might have been a bloody mess, but not enough to conceal your features. You were the demon who escaped our captivity. What is it that you sought in Heaven?”

I blinked and raised my brows. “Are you actually admitting that a demon made it into Heaven? And youlosthim?”

The porcelain white of his face turned a little pink. Stepping closer, he snapped, “You can act innocent all you want, I know the truth. Just like I know that your mother must have helped you enter Heaven and subsequently escape your imprisonment. I always knew she was trouble, and now I know for a fact that her claim of loyalty to Heaven is a lie.” His features twisted with contempt. “Just as she is a liability.”

My hackles rose, and from deep within me erupted a growl that shook the stone on which we stood. Slowly, with surgical precision, I grasped the front of his armor and pulled him closer. “If your delusions about my being the demon who apparently tricked you and your security will have any negative consequences for my mother’s well-being, there will be a swift and devastating response from me. Harm a hair on her head, and I will kill a hundred angels. Restrict her freedom, and I will annihilate an entire religion on Earth, including burning their holy texts and erasing all human memory of that faith. Lock her up, and I will find the demon who snuck into Heaven and use his knowledge to breach your gates and destroy you all from within.”

I let him go with a push and shook my head.

“So whatever ‘knowledge’ of her supposed complicity you think you have,” I said with a smug look, “you won’t act on it. You know what’s at stake, and you won’t risk disturbing the status quo. Like I said, I am very much my grandfather’s blood, and I will not hesitate to rain fire on Earth in revenge for harm to my loved ones.” I sketched an exaggerated bow. “But I shall respect the truce as long as my mother is well and happy.”

With that, I signaled to Daevi and Verrin and then launched into the air without waiting for Raphael’s response. When I looked back, he was watching my departure with his jaw clenched and a look of frustration on his too-beautiful face.



This time, the note came even faster.

Azazel had just finished telling me about his meeting with the archangels—after a round of mind-melting sex that had started with him prompting me to show him my “vengeful” side—when a demon brought the message from Heaven.

“That was quick,” I said with raised brows as Azazel came back into our bedroom with the letter, his hastily put-on black pants hanging deliciously low on his hips. “They must have barely informed the rest of the archangels before crafting their response.”

Azazel hummed in agreement, his eyes flying over the lines of the note. Then he stilled.

“What is it?” I sat up on the bed. “Don’t tell me those pompous archangels are giving you trouble about this.”