Lucifer raised a brow. “Says who?”
“I don’t know—the Bible?”
He laughed, a true, hearty sound of amusement. “The Bible,” he murmured. “That collection of fan fiction.”
Azazel chuckled right along with him, and I made a show of pivoting to stare at him.
“What?” my beloved demon asked with a smirk. “You don’t think a word in there is true?”
I huffed out a breath. “Fine.” Turning back to Lucifer, I pointed at him. “That doesn’t mean you can just forsake your duties and skip along. You onlyjustgot back into things, and now you’re giving it all up again? No, no?—”
“Zoe,” Azazel murmured.
“Uh-uh.” I wagged my finger at my demon darling and gave him a warning look. “No, this is not right. He can’t do that.”
“My dear,” Lucifer drawled, “don’t tell me you’ve come to appreciate my rule. It wasn’t too long ago you were cursing my name and would have welcomed a change in leadership, especially if it favored yourhusband.”
“No.” I shook my head again, the idea of the weight of ruling Hell resting on Azazel’s shoulders giving me cold shivers. “It’s too much. Not that I think you’re not capable”—I looked at Azazel, then back at Lucifer—“but the pressure, the danger…I don’t want him in harm’s way like that. Pick someone else!”
“And who should that be?” Lucifer’s eyes glittered like crushed obsidian under moonlight. “Azazel is the perfect choice. Wasn’t it you who sang his praises to me not so long ago? ‘He is the very best among you’—weren’t those your words?”
I shifted uncomfortably on the couch, feeling Azazel’s gaze boring into me and a wave of affection rushing through our bond.
Before I could say something, Lucifer continued, “In addition to his general competence for the job, there is one aspect of utmost importance that qualifies Azazel to succeed me as King of Hell—as Naamah’s son, he has a vested interest in her safety, which means the terms of the truce can easily be applied to him. None of the other possible contenders for the throne wouldcare to adhere to the deal struck with Heaven for the sake of Naamah’s well-being. Most, if not all, of them would break the truce and wage war against Heaven within months of taking over, and my daughter would pay the price.”
Not to mention all of humanity, but in Lucifer’s eyes, that was probably negligible. With the exception of Lilith’s reincarnation, of course.
“What about Daevi?” Azazel asked quietly.
“Yes!” I pointed at Lucifer and bounced on the couch in sudden excitement. “What about her? She’s Naamah’s mother. She has a vested interest in her well-being, too! And she’s an archdemon, she’s powerful, she’s an original Fallen, and she’s been around for, like, forever. Why not make her queen?”
Lucifer tilted his head and gave me a look. “She doesn’t want to.”
He shook his head. “Daevi is fully content with her position as archdemon, especially with the prospect of Azazel ascending the throne. She has told me that she will gladly support his claim, as she is not willing to rule all of Hell.”
I threw up my hands. “Well, neither is Azazel!”
Lucifer raised a brow. “Do you speak for him?”
“No…” I bit my lip.
Lucifer regarded me for a beat, then his eyes tracked to Azazel. “Tell me,” he said, “is it not true that you have long aspired to climb as high as possible? To rise above all others and be the master of your own destiny?”
Azazel’s gaze was steady on his grandfather. “You know I have.”
My heart sank a little.
“And are you willing to ascend the throne?”
Here, Azazel’s eyes found mine, so many unspoken things in their depths. “I am.”
“I feel like we should talk about this,” I whispered, and then to Lucifer, I added, “Excuse us for a moment.”
“Why are you so adamantly against this?” Lucifer inquired, open curiosity in his tone. “With Azazel as king, you would be queen. I would think that prospect should be enticing for you.”
I’d already risen from the couch and now put both hands on my hips and glared at him. “This just shows how little you actually know me. I am the most socially awkward introvert ever. The idea of being in the spotlight like that makes me break out in hives. All that social responsibility, having to entertain others and playing by all these rules. I’m already sweating. Look!” I gestured at my armpits.