“Yeah. I mean, I need drumming instructors, and I suppose he’s qualified.”
I furrow my brow. “You mean you didn’t ask about his background?”
“No. I figured you wouldn’t have recommended him to me if he wasn’t qualified.”
“He’s the percussionist for an up-and-coming rock band, so yeah.”
“I’m sure he’ll be great. Are we still on for Friday night?”
“Yeah, sure.” I put my phone on speaker and open the calendar app. “Did we say seven?”
“Yeah, we did. See you then, Diana.”
I look up when the door clicks open.
Dragon walks in, looking pale.
I stand up. “Hey, are you okay?”
He doesn’t look at me. “Yeah.”
I want to ask where he was, but how can I ask that? He’s an adult. He can come and go as he pleases.
“How was your day?” I ask.
“Good.” His voice is artificially even. “Yours?”
Something is up with him, but I decide not to pry.
“I’m exhausted, but it was good. I got a chance to look at that great project I want, but I found a problem in the plans, which is really strange since they all have so much more experience than I do.”
He simply nods.
“What did you do today?”
“Got a job. Your friend Antonio called me. Offered me a job teaching percussion. Doesn’t pay a lot, but it will help tide me over until the band gets back to work.”
“That’s great.” I force a smile. “I’m happy for you.”
He simply nods again.
Something’s eating at him.
Of course, something’s always eating at Dragon. The most emotion I’ve ever seen out of him was when he and I made love.
Scratch that.
There was no love involved.
At least I don’t think there was.
“You look…tired,” I say. “Can I get you some water or anything?”
“I can get it myself.” He walks into the kitchen, grabs a glass out of the cupboard, and gets ice water from the door of the fridge.
Then he turns and looks at me. Glares at me. Only it’s not a glare. It’s more of a…lustful stare?