Guy hadn’t liked my attitude and was trying to brand me with bribery allegations that would haunt the rest of my career. Maybe now I actually was about to throw up. But Mom missed the memo entirely, because she beamed at Danielson.
“Oh, well—we haven’t gotten to meet many of the Huntingtons yet,” she said. “But I’m hoping we can soon, can’t we, Kelcey? You and Veronica are just wonderful, after all.”
Danielson shot Mom a helpless look. “Ma’am—I’m sorry, who are you?”
“Someone who’snot supposed to be here,” Anna hissed, pushing past me to put a hand on Mom’s arm, trying to lead her away. “Mom—you said Dad’s here too? Let’s go say hi.”
Mom smiled and turned away. “He’s right here. With… oh, it’s Matthew,” she said, instantly beaming, absolutely radiant. “Matthew! Come say hi!”
Well, that was exactly what we needed. Danielson’s face fell further as Matthew Gould walked up along the edge of the table towards us, stepping up next to Mom’s side, a little too close. “Oh, Maria,” he said. “Kelcey, Veronica, Anna, everyone. Good to see everyone’s looking so cheerful.”
“Cheerful?” Miranda muttered, eyes flicking between everyone like a cornered animal. “I thought Veronica was about to throw up and pee herself.”
Berg cleared his throat loudly. “Hi, Mr. Gould—it’s nice to see you here enjoying yourself—sorry, Veronica Preston and I were just having a conversation together with—”
Kelcey interrupted, turning to Mom and Matthew Gould. “That’s right, we were in the middle of the conversation about you two—and about Mr. Preston and Mrs. Gould. I mean, you two just look so radiant right now,” Kelcey said, and Miranda shot her a look, helplessly between her and the two in question and Danielson, who met her confusion.
“Wait—” she said. “Anna Preston’s mother is showing up to the event to announce she’s having an affair with our client?”
Mom scowled at her. “It’s not anaffair.It’s a very special bond, between all four of us. Isn’t that right, Matthew?”
Matthew beamed. “That’s right,” he said. “Maria and Heath, both of them—and both me and my wife Chelsea—a very special bond.”
“It’s a beautiful thing,” Mom said, absolutely glowing. “And I won’t be ashamed of it.”
Berg put a hand up. “I’msureit’s wonderful, but if I couldjust—”
I put my hands on my hips, shooting him a scolding look. “Michael, wait yourturn.My mother is having an important moment.”
“Uh.” He stopped, staring, blinking at where Mom put her chest out.
“That’s right,” she said. “Honestly, it’s like manners are dead.”
Miranda put her hands up. “Are we not worried Veronica’s about to throw up on us all?”
“I’m getting pretty close,” I said. “I should probably leave you all to this while I go—”
Mom waved me off. “Oh, Veronica, hold it in for one second, this is important.”
I gestured to her. “You’re sleeping with Matthew Gould, and his wife is sleeping with your husband, we know, we know. Now, I really have to go to the bathroom.”
A waiter walked up to us with a smile that faltered when he heard me, pausing halfway through setting down a tray of champagne flutes. Anna took one before it touched the table and knocked half of it back in one go. Mom put her chin up.
“I told you, it’s not just that, it’s aspecial bond,with the four of us.”
Danielson made a sound in his throat. “Can we circle back to thespecial bondin a second?”
Of all people, it was Miranda who shushed him. “God, why won’t you shut up?” she said. “Hang on, I’m invested in this now.”
Anna groaned loudly. “I’m so happy to hear everyone’s having a good time.”
I took a champagne flute and drank too, which got a look from Miranda that reminded me I was supposed to be on the verge of throwing up and wetting myself, neither of which alcohol helped. Whatever. I spoke before she could. “Special bondjust means you’re in an exclusive swinger’s arrangement and not that you’re not swingers—”
Matthew chuckled, looking at Mom. “Your daughters are both feisty ones. Well, soon it’ll be all four of them are feisty ones.”
Mom put a hand on his back. “Oh, I know. It’s so wonderful. I’m so happy for all of them. But all four of us are feisty ones, too…”
Kelcey lit up, clasping her hands at her chest. “Oh, Mrs. Preston—are you saying you’re actually justdatingeach other? Oh, that’s so sweet and so romantic.”