“I think you’re missing an important aspect.”
“Our dad. With your client’s wife.”
“Ew.Veronica, shut up—oh my god. God, I’m going to go throw up. I’ll come up with an excuse not to be there. Oh, god.”
“See you later, Anna,” I laughed, hanging up, and I settled back in bed, looking at my phone again to a text from Kelcey, showing Georg the reindeer and Mister Henry George Philip Prince Lord David Constantinople Hector III the nutcracker, set together on her nightstand.
Georg and Mister Henry say goodnight!
I laughed, texting back,goodnight, Georg,and then,goodnight, Mister Henry George Philip Prince Lord David Constantinople Hector III,and then,goodnight, Kelcey. See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow, Veronica!
Those were my four favorite words in the English language.
Chapter 15
I don’t know, maybe they were dates.
After I went to bed a little giggly that she’d remembered that whole name I’d made up for the nutcracker and completely forgotten myself, I woke up in the morning feeling bright and refreshed, and rolling over to pick up my phone and text Veronica was the easiest, most natural thing in the world.
good morning, sleepyhead!! do you want to get breakfast together?
I took a shower, putting more thought into my outfit than I should have for the situation, and I had a response from her when I got out.
and skip out on having to cook? sounds like paradise, you have a place in mind or should I pick?
I let her pick, ostensibly because I’d picked last time and mostly because I wanted to know what kinds of places she liked these days or if she frequented the same spots, and when she sent me the Google Maps listing of a spot just a bit outside the city center that was, from the last couple of pictures, decked full of the cutest Christmas decorations ever, I felt like I’d swoon right off my feet. Apparently they didmassive monster stacksof special pancakes. Apparently they also had a dinner menu that included something ghastly-looking calledholiday tacos, but maybe I could do that next year. That seemed like enough time to psyche myself up for it.
It was only once I got there, though, that I found out Veronica was a sneaky little so-and-so pulling tricks behind my back, because I’d thought she’d just slept in this morning, but I saw what she’d really been up to when I pushed into the entry at the front of the café and found her there in a sleek red trench coat and a sparkly gold manicure, and I shot her an incredulous look. “Vee!” I said, hands on my hips. “Oh my god, when did you do that?”
She grinned. “This morning. Thought I’d surprise you. What do you think?” she said, flashing them. They were short, which was… nice, just because—you know, practicality. A little past the fingertips, but not by much. Still practical.
“Oh my god, it’s so cute. You look like a sparkly Christmas dream. Like you should be on a Christmas card. And I can’t believe how sneaky you are! Veronica Preston, getting up early for a morning appointment?”
She laughed. “I know. I don’t even recognize myself. I need plenty of pancakes to heal the damage.”
“That can be arranged,” I said, and I didn’t really think about it—I looped my arm in hers, and I led her into the café, sticking close to her side. Not overthinking anything, just reveling in having her close to me.
I’d lost track of myself last night and kissed her, just for a second. And I’d resolved not to do it again today, but… well. I really, really wanted to kiss her. Kissing her had felt like getting back to a familiar bed at a warm, comfortable home after too long away, the way tensions I didn’t even know I had melted off at the edges and I was justsafe,right there in the right place.
But—I wasn’t supposed to. Right? I was pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to.
I had an absolutely massive monster stack of pancakes, enough to defeat even me—I left a pancake and a half on the plate, completely wiped, and I groaned, slumping back in myseat in the booth across from her, under a windowsill stocked with books and Christmas garland, my kind of place.
“Ugh, god, I’m stuffed full,” I said, and she laughed.
“I thought you’d be able to take it. Who are you and what have you done with Kelcey Huntington?”
“I know! I think it’s because I already ate so much yesterday… you just keep getting me stuffed full.” I scrunched up my face after I said it, realizing too late how that sounded wrong—even though it also soundedgreatbut I wasn’tthinkingthat—but Veronica didn’t react to it.
“Well, did you not enjoy it?” she teased. “Pancakes were a big old flop? No more food, then?”
“No, please, I love eating.” That also could have been a bit suggestive, after the previous comment, but Veronica didn’t take that one either.