Well, to be fair, if I died, I wanted it to be from Kelcey throwing me. “Sure. But somewhere with an elf on a shelf. That way you’ll be on your best behavior, too, with eyes on you. Can’t go acting up on Santa’s watch.”

She laughed, putting her chin up. “I’malwayson the nice list. I mean, look at my sweet, innocent face.”

She had the most perfect face in the history of the world. But I wasn’t saying that, or it’d be creepy and pushy. But I was thinking it. “You… have a place in mind, or should I pick something with the most dangerous Christmas tree possible?”

“Lunch… tomorrow. At Zayn’s.” She paused. “I’m not asking you on a date! To be clear! Just… to talk.”

“Talking is more than I thought I’d ever have a chance at, so…” I cleared my throat. “I meant for that thought to actually stay inside my head.”

She laughed, a twinkle in her eyes, and—she glanced down at my lips. I almost had a heart attack, even though it was the tiniest, quickest glance. Didn’t feel like it to me. “You’re at your best just saying what comes to mind, unhinged thoughts and all. So? Tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow… works for me. I can clear my calendar.”

She snorted. “Listen to you, sounding like your sister.”


Her expression turned serious. “Veronica… please don’t do this whole thing. With working extra… overtime… trying to make a case for me to come back to the project. I don’t want pity.”

I pursed my lips. She softened.


“You really want me to say the unhinged thoughts on my mind?”

A smile danced over her lips. “I mean, when you pique my curiosity like that…”

“I’m going to do it anyway. I’ve never once felt pity for anything in my life. I’m a selfish brat who wants to work with you instead.”


“And I’mverystrong-willed, so everyone else is gonna have to deal. That even includes you! Just because I like you doesn’t mean I’m not stubborn.”

She hung her head, laughing. “Oh, god. What am I gonna do with you?”

“Not throw me into a Christmas tree, I hope.”

“Mm. Well, we’ll see tomorrow. Thanks for… thanks for hearing me out, Veronica.”

“Thank you for… things I’m too self-conscious and awkward to say out loud. Thanks, Kelcey. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She smiled sweetly at me, a thousand unspoken words in her perfect blue eyes, before she turned around, pulled on her coat, and picked up her bundle of things, including my laptop case.

“Kelcey—uh—you’re actually bringing too many laptops with you this time.”

She spun on her heel, put my laptop case down, and headed back to the door, laughing. I found myself laughing with her, and even after she was gone, I flopped back onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling, laughing breathlessly to myself.

She really was out there growing. Maybe I could do the same. Maybe Icoulddo the same.

Chapter 13


“Kelcey, your girlfriend is making a fuss.”

I almost dropped the phone—she’d said it right when I was standing on one foot adjusting the strap on one shoe, and I fumbled and fell onto the couch. “Girlfriend? I don’t—Veronica’s not—we’re—I don’t have a girlfriend. Who do you mean? I don’t know. I think you might be… what?”

Lucy’s voice down the line sounded like she was enjoying herself. “Your mind did go straight to Veronica, so I’m going to assume things are going okay.”