“And I love you, husband.”

His hands slid slowly up and down her back, drawing her body closer to his, letting her feel how much he loved her, wanted her, needed her.

Cara blew out a long shuddering sigh as her body responded to his. “Later,” she whispered.

“Not too much later,” he said with a growl.

As much as he wanted to spend what time he could with his family, he wanted to be alone with Cara more, so after they listened to toasts from their parents and Vince’s brothers, Vince took Cara by the hand and they slipped out the back door when no one was looking, then ran around to the front of the house where the limo waited.

Vince opened the back door for Cara, then climbed in beside her. As soon as he closed the door, he drew her into his arms. “Hey, Mrs. Cordova.”

“Hey, yourself, Mr. Cordova.” She glanced out the window as the limo pulled away from the house. “Does the driver know where to go?”

“Yeah, I told him before we left the church.”

With a little sigh of contentment, Cara snuggled against her husband. Husband. The word made her smile.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” Vince asked.

“No. Do you like my dress?”

“It’s beautiful, too, and you make it more so.” Indeed, he had never seen her looking lovelier than she had when walking down the aisle. Her gown was long and simple, with a round neck, long, fitted sleeves, and a slim skirt that showed off her figure perfectly, but it was the look of love in her eyes, the shy smile that was just for him, that had gone straight to his heart.

“We never talked about going anywhere for a honeymoon,” he said. “Is there anywhere you want to go?”

“Just to bed,” she murmured, lifting her face for his kiss. “With you.”

Chapter 40

When they reached Cara’s house, Vince paid the limo driver, then lifted his bride into his arms and carried her up the walkway. The door opened at his command and a fire sprang to life in the hearth.

Cara’s breath whispered against his neck as she murmured, “Oh, my.”

“Better than witchcraft,” Vince said, smiling down at her.

She nodded. “It’s a little scary, finding out all the supernatural things you can do.”

“There’s nothing for you to be afraid of,” he murmured. “Nothing at all.”

He carried her into the bedroom and eased her to the floor. Someone, Brenna he supposed, had been to the house earlier. The new sheets Cara had bought were on the bed, the covers already turned down. A bottle of red wine and two glasses waited for them on the bedside table. A crystal vase held a bouquet of long-stemmed white roses; a basket of fruit sat on the dresser.

He saw it all in a glance, but it was Cara who held his gaze. How was it possible for her to grow more lovely every time he looked at her? He removed her veil and tossed it over a chair, then drew her into his arms, one hand reaching behind her to unfasten her gown. She stepped out of it and he tossed it aside as well, then he took a step back so he could look at her.

Cara blushed beneath his heated gaze. True, they had made love before, but he had never looked at her quite like this, and they hadn’t been married at the time. For some reason, it made her suddenly shy to stand there wearing nothing but her bra, panty hose, and heels.

Vince whistled softly. “You’re the prettiest, sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“And you,” she said, “are overdressed.”

“Well, if you don’t like it, you know what to do.”

He didn’t have to tell her twice. In minutes, his coat, cummerbund, tie, shirt, and trousers were on the floor, leaving him attired in a T-shirt, briefs, and his shoes and socks.

Vince looked down at himself and grimaced. “I look pretty silly.”

“Well, the shoes have to go,” she said.

“Right.” Sitting on the edge of the bed, he removed his shoes and socks. “Come here.”

She moved toward him and he removed her heels, then slowly peeled off her panty hose. Her bra came next, then his T-shirt.

Cara watched him, her body trembling with anticipation as he tossed his briefs aside, then drew her down on the bed beside him, their bodies fitting together perfectly, like two halves of a whole.

She felt like purring as his callused hands moved over her willing flesh, stroking, teasing, arousing her until she thought she’d go mad with wanting him. She slid her hands over his shoulders and down his arms, loving the way his muscles quivered at her touch. It was a heady sensation, knowing that her touch aroused him as much as his aroused her.

Raking her nails down his back, she murmured, “Now, Vince!” She sighed with pleasure as he rose over her, his body melding with hers, easing into a slow, steady rhythm that made her cry out, her hands clutching his shoulders, her body arching beneath him, until that one beautiful moment when she couldn’t tell where he ended and she began. It was like flying through a rainbow, drowning in waves of ecstasy…

As from far away, she heard Vince’s voice, filled with soft entreaty. “Let me taste you.”

For a moment, she didn’t know what he meant, and then she felt his tongue lave the side of her neck.

“Please?” His voice was rough, filled with longing.

“I’m afraid.”

“I won’t hurt you, I swear it.”

She loved him with all her heart, how could she refuse him anything? How could she agree?

“Never mind,” he said quietly.

Guilt washed over her. “It’s all right.”

“Are you sure, darlin’?” His breath was warm against her neck. She could feel the tension in his body, hear the need in his voice.

“I’m sure,” she said, and closed her eyes.

He kissed her, long and slow, his hand gliding up and down her thigh, gentling her, she thought. She stilled as his tongue warmed the skin below her ear, felt a tiny prick as his fangs pierced her flesh. She had expected to feel horror and revulsion; instead, she felt only a kind of sensual pleasure that was over too soon.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked.

Cara’s eyelids fluttered open. “No,” she murmured. “It felt wonderful. Can we do it again?”

Clad in a pair of jeans, Vince sat on the porch stairs, gazing up at the stars. He had left his bride asleep in her bed after making love to her one more time. Never in his life had he felt so at peace. Cara was his for as long as she lived. Perhaps, in time, he would be able to convince her to accept the Dark Gift. He could think of nothing better than spending the rest of his existence, however long that might be, with her at his side. He would spend this night here, with his bride, though it made him uneasy. He didn’t like being vulnerable while he slept and there was no way to secure her house against intruders. Starting next week, he would take his rest at the garage until they found a house of their own, and then he would take the necessary precautions to protect his new lair.