“That doesn’t even come close to describing it.”

“That’s some bodyguard you’ve got. You could have been killed.”

“Bethy, he got shot twice trying to save me. He could have been killed, too, you know. Both of us might have been killed if Vince hadn’t come home when he did.”

Sarah Beth sighed. “Who says there are no more knights in shining armor?”

Cara shook her head. “Honestly, Bethy, you find romance in everything.”

“You mean to tell me you aren’t impressed with the man? He shows up out of nowhere to save you in the nick of time, just like the Seventh Cavalry.”

Cara laughed. “Make up your mind, girlfriend. Is he a chivalrous knight or a brave soldier?”

“I think he’s both, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Cara admitted, “I do.” A dark, violent part of her wished she had seen him fighting off the thugs who had accosted her, but it had been too dark to see anything clearly. She suddenly remembered that Frank had told her he heard a growl. Now that she thought about it, she was sure she had heard one, too. Probably just a dog.

Sarah Beth hugged her. “I’m just glad you’re all right. Listen, why don’t you and Mr. Macho come over Monday night? We could have dinner and go to a movie.”

“I’d love to, but my folks are coming over.”

“Well, how about next Monday?”

“I’ll have to ask Vince,” Cara said, and even as she said the words, he was striding through the library doors, as big as you please. He smiled when he saw her.

Dressed in black jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black jacket, he didn’t look much like a knight or a soldier, but he looked sexy as all get-out as he walked toward her.

“What are you doing here so early?” she asked. “It’s not even six.”

“I couldn’t wait until later,” he said. “I had to see for myself that you’re all right.”

“A true knight,” Sarah Beth murmured for Cara’s ears alone. Walking toward the door, she said, “Behave yourselves, you two.”

“What fun is that?” Vince said, drawing Cara into his arms.

“Vince,” Cara admonished. “The door.”

He kicked it shut with his heel. “Can I kiss you now?”

“Hmm, please.”

His kiss was slow and wickedly sensual. Lowering his head, he nuzzled her neck. “I’ve been missing you all day.”

“Me, too, you.”

“Good.” He captured her lips with his own, his tongue delving into her mouth.

Desire shot through Cara with the intensity of a lightning bolt, stealing her breath and her thoughts, leaving her aware of nothing but his body pressed intimately against hers, the seduction of his mouth on hers, the strength of his arms, and the evidence of his arousal.

She didn’t know how many times the phone rang before it penetrated the haze of passion that engulfed her.

Grabbing the receiver, she managed a raspy, “Miss DeLongpre, can I help you?” She listened to the voice on the other end, made what she hoped were the proper responses, and said good-bye.

When she hung up the receiver, she couldn’t remember who she’d been talking to or what the man had wanted.

“One more kiss,” Vince said, pulling her into his embrace again, “and then I’d better go.”

“Do you have to?” She had visions of herself locking her office door and making love to Vince on top of her desk, or maybe on the floor…

The gleam in his eyes told her he knew what she was thinking. “You’ve still got three hours of work ahead of you,” he reminded her, “and I’ve got a few things at the shop to finish up.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ll see you at nine. Don’t go outside until I get here.”

“Yes, master! Oh, wait, Sarah Beth wants us to come over for dinner a week from Monday and then go to a movie. Can you make it?”

“I’ll have to see what’s on my calendar and let you know, okay?”


And so saying, he kissed her again, hard and quick, and then he was gone, leaving her to stare after him, her fingertips pressed to her lips, his taste still on her tongue.

Oh, yes, she thought again. She had it bad.

Vince was as good as his word. He arrived at the library at nine sharp. Cara bid a quick good-bye to Sarah Beth, grabbed her handbag, and hurried outside, eager to be alone with Vince.

“Do you want to go out?” he asked.

“No, let’s go home. Did you check your calendar?”

“No, I forgot.” He hated lying to her again, but dinner with her friend just wasn’t in the cards. “So, your place or mine?”

“Mine,” she said. “I don’t have a nosey cat. Besides, I want to change into something more comfortable.”

“Like nothing at all?” he asked with a wicked grin.

She batted her eyelashes at him. “Maybe, maybe not. Guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”

“I’m game,” he said, “but ‘nothing at all’ has my vote.”

“Men!” she muttered, her tone indicating she had tons of experience on the subject though she really had very little. “Oh, Vince, maybe we should swing by the hospital and see how Frank’s doing.”

“Whatever you want, darlin’,” Vince said.

“You’re going to spoil me, you know,” Cara said, unlocking her car door.

“That’s my plan.”

“The hospital first, then,” she said.

With a nod, he closed her door, then went to his own car.

When they arrived at the hospital, they learned that Frank had signed himself out earlier that day.

“I guess he’s feeling better,” Cara said as they walked back to the parking lot.

Vince grunted softly, wondering what kind of effect Roshan’s blood would have on the bodyguard. It wouldn’t make him a vampire, but it might increase his strength and his longevity.

He followed Cara home and pulled into the driveway after her, only then realizing that she already had company. Her mother and father were waiting for them on the front porch. As usual, her father was attired in black from head to foot. Her mother wore a gauzy white blouse, a colorful skirt, and suede boots. A necklace of amber and jet circled her throat.

Cara felt a twinge of unease as she climbed the stairs. “Mom, Dad, is something wrong?”

“No, dear,” her mother said, smiling. “We were just worried about you, that’s all.”