“My parents were married here,” Cara said.

“Oh,” Sarah Beth exclaimed, “that’s so romantic!”

“Are we ready?” the priest asked. “The groom is waiting.”

Cara smiled. “Very ready.”

With a nod, the priest went to take his place at the altar.

Cara peered through the doors that led into the chapel, noting that the pews and the altar were carved from oak; the carpet was a deep blue. Vince’s family had already arrived. His sister-in-law, Patti Jean, sat at the organ, playing softly. Candlelight filled the chapel with a warm golden glow, lighting the faces of the wooden statues, but Cara had eyes only for Vince. She had always thought him the most handsome of men, but tonight, clad in a tux, his hair neatly combed, he was the most gorgeous thing she had ever seen, as he stood at the altar, waiting for her. The priest stood beside Vince. He was of medium height with wavy black hair going gray at the temples.

Patti Jean began the wedding march and Sarah Beth started down the aisle. Everyone rose as Cara and her father appeared in the doorway.

Cara winked at her mother, smiled at Mary and at Sarah Beth’s husband, and then, with butterflies in her stomach, she met Vince’s gaze and felt her heart swell at the love she saw in his beautiful dark eyes.

“Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?”

“Her mother and I do,” Roshan said. Lifting Cara’s hand to his lips, he kissed it; then, after placing her hand in Vince’s, he stepped back to sit beside Brenna.

“We are gathered here this evening to join Cara Aideen DeLongpre and Vincent Cordova in the bonds of holy wedlock, an honorable institution ordained of God for the blessing of His children. There is no secret to a happy marriage,” the priest said, glancing from Cara to Vince. “You have only to remember to put your loved one first and yourself second, to treat your spouse as you wish to be treated, and to remember how much you love one another on this day. Remember these things, and you will have a life of peace and happiness for as long as God grants you breath.

“I will say the words that bind you together, but the true marriage between the two of you must take place within your hearts.

“Cara, do you promise to love and cherish Vincent, here present, for as long as you shall live?”

Cara squeezed Vince’s hand. “I do.”

“Vincent, do you promise to love and cherish Cara, here present, for as long as you both shall live?”

Vince took a deep breath. “I do.”

“Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Vince lifted Cara’s veil. For a moment, he simply looked at her, wanting to remember how she looked on this night, the glow in her eyes, the rapid beating of her heart as she waited for his first kiss as her husband. Murmuring, “I love you,” he drew her into his arms and kissed her.

He might have kissed her for an hour or two if he hadn’t become aware of the quiet cheers and chuckles of his family.

Cara’s cheeks were flushed when he released her.

“And now, at last,” the priest said, a smile in his voice, “I give you Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cordova.”

Cara turned to face Vince’s family, relieved to see that everyone was smiling. A faint movement at the back of the chapel drew her eye; she felt her insides turn cold as two gray-clad women slipped out the door.

Cara tugged on Vince’s arm as he walked her down the aisle. “Did you see them?”

“See who, darlin’?”

“Two women in gray robes. They just went out the door.”

“I didn’t notice. Are they friends of yours?”

“No. I don’t know who they are.”

Vince escorted Cara to the limo waiting outside the church, helped her inside, and drew her into his arms. “Why did seeing those women upset you so? Maybe they were nuns.”

Cara shook her head. “No. I’ve seen others dressed like that. The first time was in Serafina’s bookstore, and then again the other night, when I was at the mall, and now here.” She clutched Vince’s hand. “I don’t like this.”

Vince wrapped his arms around her. “Take it easy, darlin’, no one’s ever going to hurt you again.”

“I’m frightened.” She glanced out the rear window. “Anton is still out there somewhere.”

“Don’t think about that now.” He kissed her cheek, wondering if he should find her another bodyguard.

Cara shook off her fears as they turned off the highway. This was her wedding night and she wasn’t going to let Anton or anyone else ruin it for her.

A short time later, they arrived at her parents’ house, where cake and champagne were waiting.

Cara was overwhelmed by the love she felt from Vince’s family, from Sarah Beth and Mary, and from her own parents, of course. Because Vince’s family lived so far away, Cara decided to open their wedding presents that night. She sat on the floor, her gown spread around her, while Vince handed her their gifts. They were the usual gifts friends and family give to newlyweds: a toaster, pots and pans, a set of silverware, linens for the bed and for the table, a cookie jar, bath towels and kitchen towels, glassware, and a set of dishes. Later, her father took her and Vince aside and gave them a check for a hundred thousand dollars “to buy whatever else the two of you might need,” he said, “or to put a down payment on a little house of your own.”

“Dad, this is way too much,” Cara said.

“I told you I was a rich man,” her father reminded her.

“I know, but…” She looked at Vince.

“She’s right,” Vince said. “It’s way too much.”

Roshan grunted softly. “What else am I going to do with my money? If I were a mortal man, I’d leave it in my will, but since I’m hoping to hang around for a good long while, I want Cara to have it now.”

Cara threw her arms around her father. “Thank you, Dad!”

Vince added his thanks to Cara’s, then the two of them went to mingle with their guests. Later, they cut the cake. Vince offered Cara a bite, choked back a gag when she fed him a small piece, which he didn’t swallow. When no one was looking, he spit it into his handkerchief.

While the caterer served the cake, Vince and Cara enjoyed their first dance as man and wife.

“Are you having a good time?” he asked.

“Yes! This is the happiest night of my life.”

“Mine, too.” Pulling her close, he rained kisses on her cheeks, her eyelids, and the tip of her nose. “I love you, wife.”