“Maybe not, butyouare. You deserve so much more than what life has shown you so far.”

She’s about to say something else but the door opens with a deafening crack. Micaela dashes to the bathroom a few feet away and locks the door.Good girl.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Samuel roars. “Morrison? What the fuck?”

“I don’t owe you anything and neither does Micaela,” I grit out seconds before launching my fist into his nose. Samuel shrieks as the bone snaps, then he falls to the floor in a heap.

“Son of a bitch,” he mutters.

I run to the bathroom and knock on the door. “Let’s go, Micaela. I’m taking you with me.”

She unlocks the door and looks up at me with concern. “But my dad…”

“We can deal with the fallout tomorrow. Right now, I need to get you to safety. For real this time.” I wink at her, hoping to gain her trust once more.

Holding out my hand, I wait for her to take it, to trust me with this next step. She slips her delicate hand in mine and the last piece of my heart snaps into place.

For the second time tonight, I scoop my babygirl up into my arms. I kick her father in the stomach for good measure as I step over him and through the busted-down door.

“Do you have other clothes here? A purse? Anything to grab?”

“Right here, dear,” the same older woman from earlier says, handing Micaela her coat, small duffel bag, and purse. She has a knowing smile on her face. “Are you leaving under duress or are you happy with your arrangement?” the woman asks.

“I’m very pleased,” she says with a smile before snuggling deeper into my embrace.

The older woman nods once and then gives me a wink. “I’ll take out the leftover trash in the Tease and Please room. Withproperty damage and trespassing, he’ll probably be detained for a few days.”

I nod and give her my thanks, then focus my attention back to Micaela. “Are you okay, baby? My place isn’t too far from here.”

“I’m good,” she says, burrowing into the side of my neck. My girl is suddenly shy, or perhaps… embarrassed?

“I thought I told you to always be honest with me.”

“I’m just overwhelmed. Can we leave now?”

“Of course.” I kiss the top of her head, breathing in her berries and cream scent. “This time, you can ride up front. I promise the truck cab is more comfortable than the trailer.” She smiles ever so slightly, which mends a little piece of my heart.

Fifteen minutes later, we’re pulling into the garage of my ten-bedroom cabin. I’ve always wanted a big family but I thought all hope of that was lost after never finding the right woman to settle down with.

I look over at Micaela, mesmerized by the way her hair and cheeks are highlighted by the Christmas lights draped across the porch railing. It's insane how we found each other and even crazier to know this already, but she's it. She's my future wife; the mother of my children. We're going to fill this place with all the love and joy we never had growing up.

“What are you looking at?” she asks, an eyebrow raised in question.

“You,” I answer simply. She rolls her eyes but I know she likes my compliments and attention. Clearly, she’s been without kindness in her life for a long time. I plan to change all of that.

I hop out of my truck and run around to the passenger side, helping Micaela down. She’s still only in a robe and bra, and I immediately scoop her up again.

“I’m fine walking,” she weakly protests.

“It’s snowing,” I counter. “You need my body heat.”

“I need your body heat for all ten steps from your garage to your house?” she asks dubiously.

“Absolutely.” I open the door and set her down, though I can’t seem to let go of her. She looks up at me, her vulnerability and need matching my own. We didn’t get a chance to finish our discussion earlier about what happened between us, but I know she feels me on the same level.

“What do you need right now, babygirl?” I murmur into the shell of her ear. I brush my nose and lips against her neck and slide my hands up and down her hips. The moment is so tender, so raw, I swear I can feel our hearts swapping places. She owns mine now, for all of time.

“You,” she whispers.