“Right. So, just follow me into this room here and we’ll get everything sorted. I understand being eager, but business is business.”

I’m about to yell at this fucker but Micaela covers my mouth with her soft, smooth hand. I look down at her, my heart lurching against my chest when I see her green eyes begging me not to make a scene.

“Just do what they say and then we’ll be alone, okay?”

She’s talking to me like I’m a rabid animal, which is pretty accurate. I feel like one right now, snarling and snapping at anyone in my path. I have a thousand questions for her, but I’m not going to get any answers until I fill out the paperwork.

I nod then press a kiss to her palm, fascinated by the way her cheeks turn from pink to rosy red.Oh, little girl. The things I could teach you.

I try silencing my inappropriate thoughts but then the mysterious minx twists in my arms and kisses me on the cheek. “Thank you,” she whispers before climbing out of my embrace.

The curvy goddess with bright green eyes and light red hair is instantly whisked away by an older woman I didn’t notice before. The gentleman from earlier holds out his arm to usher me into a separate room with a desk, a contract, and who I assume is some kind of attorney to oversee the exchange of goods.

I look over my shoulder at the now-closed door, hating every inch that’s separating me from Micaela. The need to be near her, to touch her in some way and have her sweet voice ringing in my ears… it’s as overwhelming as it is undeniable.

“Let’s get through the paperwork so you can enjoy your pretty little Christmas gift,” the man behind the desk says.

I narrow my eyes at him, barely swallowing back my response. Micaela is right - the faster I sign the contract and cuta check, the faster we’ll be together again. That’s my only goal in life now.



Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod what did I just do?

I mean, I know what I just did. I sold my virginity to the sexy, stoic biker who works for my father. I literally have the receipt to prove it. Hopefully, by the end of the night, I'll also have nearly two million dollars in my bank account.

The strap of my dark green lingerie set slides down my shoulder and I push it back up, adjusting everything so I’m tucked in and yet showing off the girls at the same time. I adjust my position on the bed in the Tease and Please room, unsure of what pose I should strike for when Morrison enters.

Leaning back on my elbows?No, that forces me to tilt my head down which will only accentuate my double chin.One leg crossed over the other?Nope, not with silk sheets, lacy panties, and high heels on. I almost slipped right off the mattress.

I run my fingers through my hair and take a deep breath, letting the air out in a long sigh. Never in a thousand years did I think Morrison would bid on me. He never stays for the Naughty List Auction, which is one of the many reasons my ridiculous crush on him has grown out of control.

Morrison might not notice me when I hang around Maverick Motors but that doesn't mean I haven't had my eyes on himsince my father hired him over five years ago. With dark, espresso-brown hair, entrancing hazel eyes, a well-kept beard, and muscles on muscles, Morrison is without a doubt the most devastatingly gorgeous man I've ever seen. I'd be lying if I said I haven't had more than a few fantasies about what he looks like without a shirt and if he has tattooseverywhere.

Aside from his chiseled body covered in tattoos and his sharp features, Morrison is a good man. He’s honorable and takes pride in his work. He’s ever raised his voice or his hand to me or anyone else that I know of, which is more than I can say for my father. He’s been invited to more than one of these super-secret auction events but he’s declined every single time. Morrison only shows up when a bike needs to be delivered so he can get more contacts for future clients, and then he leaves before anything starts.

Except for tonight, apparently.

Is he going to tell my dad? Will I have to give him back my cut of the money? Does he really want my virginity or was he just trying to get me off stage as a favor to my father?

Before my thoughts spiral completely out of control, the golden doorknob on the velvet-padded door jiggles and turns, revealing all six and a half feet of Morrison as he towers in the doorway. My heart leaps into my throat and I wipe my sweaty palms on my bare thighs.

“Micaela,” he breathes out, his voice scratchy and guttural. I’m not sure if he’s mad, annoyed, or disappointed. Probably all three.

“I can explain,” I start, automatically going on the defensive. He takes a step inside the room, and then another, his dark hazel eyes locked onto mine. “I, uh, well, for starters, I wasn’t expecting you to be here. I mean I knew you were coming to drop off the chopper but you never stay for the auctions.”

Morrison stops in front of me, his arms crossed over his chest as he narrows his gaze. “How do you know that?”

“I’ve been watching you,” I blurt out before slapping my hand over my mouth. Morrison’s eyebrows fly up to his hairline at my response. “Not like stalking you or anything. That came out wrong,” I’m quick to say. “Just like, casually observing you. I… Look, I may have heard that you would be dropping off your latest custom job here and… found a way to hitch a ride. But I know that you never attend the actual events. I thought…”

I trail off, not sure how to finish my sentence. I realize I’m rambling but I don’t know what else to do with myself.

“Casually observing, hitching a ride…?” Morrison repeats my words like a question, but I get the sense he’s not really looking for the answer. “Why don’t you start at the beginning. What brought you here? Why were you on stage tonight?”

I swallow thickly and nod, trying not to get distracted by the power this man’s presence has on me. I’ve had a crush on him for years that has recently boarded on obsession. Strange, since we’ve barely spoken more than a handful of words to each other in all the years he’s been working for my father.

“I… Well, see, the thing is…” I nibble on my bottom lip instead of finishing the thought.Should I tell him the truth?