“First off, the proper term isillusionist, not magician. And secondly, I told you never to speak of my one-man magician act under threat of violence.”
“I heard the proper term is actually illusionist,” I deadpan.
“Do you want my help or not?”
“Yes,” I’m quick to respond. “The man’s name is Samuel Rillington. He owns Maverick Motors here in Colorado.” I proceed to tell Lorenzo everything I know, including his most recent arrest and the fact that he wanted to exchange his daughter for the upper hand in a business deal.
“Jesus,” he mutters. “That’s fucked up.”
I grunt in agreement. “I’m on my way to get Micaela now. I already broke Samuel’s nose last night so I don’t think he’s going to be much of a threat. However, I need enough proof to lock him up for good.”
“I’m on it, Morrison. Go get your girl. I’ll text you when I have an update.
I thank him and hang up right as the black Lexus turns onto the street where Samuel lives. I slow down, not wanting to give away my location until I get eyes on Micaela. What I see has my blood boiling as red clouds my vision.
Samuel gets out of the driver’s seat while another man steps out from the backseat, dragging someone out with him. It takes half a second for me to recognize my babygirl’s light red hair and sinful curves. She has zip ties around her wrists and a fucking piece of duct tape covering her mouth.
How the fuck did he get to her so fast? Why didn’t I wake up before Micaela walked out?I could have talked her down and convinced her we’re for real and what we have is special.
None of that matters now. I park my truck across the street and unbuckle my seatbelt. I’m about to storm the house when I receive a text from Lorenzo.
Holy shit this guy is more corrupt than half the dickheads we deal with here in Vegas. I don’t have all the evidence yet, but it’s not just his daughter he was selling off for profit. Something to do with Synopsis Enterprises. I’ll text when I know more.
Fucking degenerate. I wish I had known about all of this earlier. I would have found a way to put a stop to it. Better late than never, as the saying goes. Still, the lives I could have changed or possibly saved will haunt me for the rest of my days. Right now, there's just one life I'm concerned with.
Filled with righteous anger, I storm across the street and kick in the front door, causing Samuel to shout. “What the fuck are you doing here? Haven’t you done enough?”
I take a second to assess the situation. Samuel is in poor shape after his beating last night, and the strange man with his hand wrapped around my woman’s arm is about half my size. Micaela looks up at me through tears in her eyes, which snaps the last of my control.
I spring into action, kicking the back of the skinny man’s knee and sending him toppling to the floor. I stomp on his foot, crushing the tiny bones beneath my steel-toed boots. He wails and writhes on the living room carpet and I wrap my arm around Micaela, tucking her safely into my side.
“Now hold on a goddamn minute,” Samuel says, taking a step forward.
I growl at the despicable excuse for a human being, the rage and murderous intentions shining through my gaze as I focusmy attention on him. He at least has the decency to flinch slightly.
“I suggest you cut your losses and get your affairs in order,” I grit out. “Micaela is the least of your worries. Make no mistake, wewillbe pressing assault charges. But I have a feeling that will pale in comparison to the charges being brought against you for your involvement in Synopsis Enterprises.”
His face turns from tomato red to ghostly white at the mention of the shady company Lorenzo name dropped. “How…?”
“The truth always comes to light.” Samuel blinks at me, then looks at Micaela before his eyes glaze over and he stares off into the distance. I’m sure he’s reliving every felony he’s committed over the last decade and realizing his world is about to crumble.
Without another word, Micaela and I leave her father standing in his living room with his accomplice whimpering pathetically on the floor, clutching his foot. Karma is a bitch, and she’s headed straight for Samuel Rillington with a vengeance.
“Come on, little love,” I murmur as I usher Michaela out of the house. I grab my keys, unfolding the pocket knife I have on my keychain. I carefully cut the restraints off of her and then cup her face. “I’m so sorry. This might sting but I’ll make it better.”
She nods and I rip the tape off of her face, hating the little yelp she lets out.
“You’re here,” she whispers, disbelief in her bright green eyes. “But… why?”
It kills me that she still doesn’t get it. “Because I’m your Daddy and I’ll always protect you,” I answer. “Let’s get you home before we discuss it any further. Apparently, I didn’t make myself clear last night. I’m keeping you, babygirl.”
She throws her arms around me, clinging to my shoulders as I lift her up and carry her to my truck. I open the door for her andbuckle in my girl. It’s been an eventful morning already, but she still needs to be taught a lesson.
Relief, confusion, fear, and longing swirl around in my mind as I sit in silence on the way back to Morrison’s cabin. I had no idea my father was so cruel. Yes, he’s laid hands on me in the past, and yes, he’s been rough in his treatment of me for most of my life. But kidnapping? Duct taping my mouth? Binding my wrists? I used to think my father had a black soul. Now I know he has no soul at all.