Page 94 of Hurry Up And Wait

“Oh, you poor, sad woman. Whatever will you do?”

“Don’t make me throat punch you.”

She laughed hysterically at that. “Like you could manage that.”

I hurried after her, still holding my chest. “I’ll give you a hundred dollars.”

“Yeah, like I need it.”

“I’ll…wash all your clothes!”

She turned, quirking an eyebrow at me. “For how long?”

“A month!”

“Not enough.”

I stomped my foot, wondering how I was going to win this one, but then I thought of it. “I’ll set you up with one of the guys at OPS.”

She slowly turned with an interested look on her face. “I’ve already met them.”

“Not all of them.”

By the intrigued look she shot me, I knew I was winning this one. “Tell me more.”

“There’s one…a lone reed, if you will. He’s handsome, sexy, former military, and…” I waited for it, drawing it out long enough to really hook her. “And he’s a mechanic.”

She stepped back, her eyes wide as she pressed her hand to her chest. “You lie.”

“I would never.”

“But…” She shook her head, still trying to wrap her mind around it. “No, he’s married to Rae.”

“Not him. Bowie. He’s very single right now, just out of a relationship with an older woman, and he’s looking for someone to take away the pain. That could be you.”

“That could definitely be me.”

“And like I said, he’s a mechanic.”

“A mechanic,” she whispered, her eyes drifting off in thought. “I do like a mechanic.”

“Everyone does.”

Her eyes flitted to mine and a smile curved her lips. “I accept your deal. I’ll grab my things and be gone. But…I expect you to pay up. I want a real date. A good date. And if you don’t deliver…”

She didn’t have to say anything else. I knew the threat wasn’t idle, and if I didn’t come through, there would be hell to pay. I thrust outmy hand and shook on it, then watched as she hurried to gather up her things. Ten minutes later, I heard the door click and she was gone.

I sighed, checking my phone again, waiting for Kavanaugh to call. While I had the time, I straightened up my room, hanging up my towel and cleaning the bathroom. I worked up a small sweat, but that was nothing compared to the workout I would get later.

By the time I was done and looked at my phone again, I was surprised to see only a half hour had gone by. That just meant there was enough time to get myself thoroughly relaxed with some wine. So, I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass, then carried the bottle in with me to the living room where I proceeded to sprawl out on the couch, trying to find the best position for Kavanaugh to find me in when he opened the front door.

I leaned back against the arm of the couch with my legs spread and my arm over my head, but even though it seemed provocative, it most definitely was not sexy. Then I went for a pose like Rose fromTitanic,but it wasn’t very comfortable and made it rather hard to drink my wine.

I was just about to try another pose when my phone finally rang. Squealing, I grabbed it and took a moment to gather my wits so I didn’t gush as soon as I answered.

Clearing my throat, I tried to sound seductive. “Hello?”

“Isla? Are you alright?”