“I am not!”
“Well, no, but you should be after the way he defiled you in front of me. I’m telling you, if you don’t go after him, I need to.”
I didn’t like the sound of that, but I couldn’t put my finger on why. IKE was not the man for me, and I knew that just from spending a small amount of time with him. He was so intense and moody, and I’d already had that once with Shawn. I didn’t need to go through it again. Besides, I was with Kavanaugh, as much as anyone could be with another person when one of them worked out of town.
“In case you don’t remember, something already happened with Kavanaugh.”
“Ah, yes. The man we moved here for. So, what’s with the heaping ton of testosterone filtering through this place?”
“Okay, you need to stop. Nothing is happening with IKE.”
“And it never will because you’re with Kavanaugh.”
“That’s a terrible reason not to make a move.”
I glared at her, ready to kick her out. “It’s not a reason. There is no reason because I don’t want to make a move. He’s an ass, if you must know.”
“Right, he certainly looked like an ass to me,” she grinned wickedly.
“If you want him, then go for him,” I snapped, feeling foolish for getting upset.
“I would never encroach on your territory.”
I was nearly fuming and her continued banter was only making things worse. “Can we move on? Nothing is happening with IKE and it’s not going to.” I took a deep breath and blew it out. “So, what happened with all the hot men? Any good prospects?”
“A few, but I’m not exactly sure how to approach them.”
“Since when do you not know how to approach a man?”
“Well, they’re all so hunky and…deadly,” she smirked. “I feel like maybe I need a guidance system or something.”
I thought back to the way they acted about the package I brought them. She might be right about needing a guidance system. “They’re definitely strange and?—”
I stopped talking when I saw a shadow outside my window. My eyes widened as I heard a thunk, and I grabbed Riley by the arm, dragging her behind the bed.
“What? What is it?” she hissed.
“There’s someone outside!”
“On the roof?” she shrieked.
I slapped my hand over her mouth and did my best to think fast. That’s what would save my life right now. There were two of us and one of him—that we knew of. As long as we had the element of surprise on our side, we could live to see tomorrow.
“Okay, I’m going to turn out the light,” I whispered. “I want you to watch him and call out if he comes toward the window.”
Her eyes widened comically. “Why do I have to go by the window? That’s the murder zone!”
“It’s not the murder zone. He’s out there and we’re in here.”
“Then you go be by the window,” she hissed. “It’s probably Shawn, and we both know you have a better chance of talking him down than I do. He’d just kill me.”
That was true. Shawn really didn’t like Riley, and he made that pretty clear every time she came to the house. Of course, her constant need to call him names didn’t help the situation any.
“Fine. You turn off the lights and I’ll watch the window.”
“What’s the next move?”