Page 58 of Hurry Up And Wait

I grimaced at her words. “Yeah, that doesn’t sound very fun.”

“It wasn’t. I would much rather talk about myself whensurrounded by so many hot guys. Did you know there’s not a single ugly guy among them? How is that even possible? Surely, there would be one guy who has just the ugliest mug ever. Or maybe he’s the puny guy of the group. Did Cash go looking for the best looking men to fill his job openings?”

“I find it hilarious that our house blew up, and this is what you choose to focus on.”

“Priorities,” she reminded me. “Hot men always trump everything else.”

“Even being blown up?”

“Well, they did rush in to save you. It’s a shame I wasn’t there. I could play the damsel in distress very well.”

“I’m sorry I let you down in that department.”

“Well, you were always better at being strong. I’m sure one of these guys will fawn all over how amazing you are. But just once, it would be nice to be rescued by a man with bulging muscles and a killer smile.”

“I’m sure you’ll find a way to make that happen now that you know how devastatingly handsome they all are.”

She sighed heavily. “Alas, there aren’t that many left that are single. It seems they’ve all been snatched up.”

“No doubt by women who already played their cards right.”

“You know, when you were telling me we were moving out here, I would have been on board a lot faster if you had just said we were moving to a town filled with unbelievably gorgeous men.”

I thought about my current predicament with a certain man with devastatingly gorgeous eyes. And then I thought about Kavanaugh, who set my body on fire with a single touch. This was a bad situation to be in, not because I wanted IKE, but because I was so curious about him.

“Hey, are you even listening to me? I’m rambling over here about my problems of being surrounded by unavailable hot guys, and you’re not even listening to my plight!”

“Sorry, I have an issue of my own.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s so hard being trapped with another hot guy.”

“He’s not the hot guy I want to be with.”

“Still, you can make the most of it and enjoy the company.”

“What company? He left me behind. Besides, he doesn’t exactly like to talk. It’s like being trapped with a rock.”

“Dwayne Johnson?” she asked hopefully.

“Trust me, if I was trapped with him, I wouldn’t be complaining.”

“Well, you can relax knowing that it’ll only be for a few days. I was assured that they’re cleaning it up and installing a security system for us. Although, I’d much prefer one of them to be my personal bodyguard, but I suppose this will do.”

“I guess,” I muttered.

“So, should I bother asking how you are or are you going to give me some non-answer?”


“That’s what I thought. Well, don’t break any bones while you’re there. Oh, and despite what the guys all say, it is never okay to touch their things. I learned that one the hard way.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I chuckled.

“Can I go back to bed now? I was up all night answering questions on your behalf and there is not enough coffee in the world to cheer me up.”

I didn’t want to let her go, but I was tired too. “Yeah, I suppose I’ll be fine. It’s not like I have a concussion or anything.”

“It’s a minor inconvenience.”