Page 50 of Hurry Up And Wait

Was this man a mind reader? I hadn’t even opened my mouth. “As in Eisenhower?”


“How do you know everyone at OPS?”

He sighed, shifting in his seat. “You ask a lot of questions.”

What else was I supposed to do? I was stuck in the hospital, freaking out about my house, my ex…I needed the distraction.

“Have you heard from my sister?”

“Not since the last time you asked twenty minutes ago,” he said, his tone somewhat harsh.

“I need to talk to her.”

“She’ll be here soon.”

That’s what he said the last time I asked, so where the hell was she? “Are you always this elusive?”

“Do you always ask so many fucking questions?”

“When the occasion calls for it.”

“Your sister is talking with Cash about your ex, answering any questions that might help us get a leg up.”

Oh, that made sense. “When can I get out of here?”

“The doctor is waiting on your scans.”

I pressed my fingers to my temple, wishing I could poke a hole through my skull and stab the jackhammer that was going off inside. “Any chance you could get me some pain meds?”

“They already gave you some,” he said, his eyes narrowing in concern. “Are you still in pain?”

“Well, I didn’t ask for them for the fun of it,” I snapped. Hell, I was going to lose it if I didn’t get some relief.

“Where does it hurt?”

“My head,” I grumbled.

He walked out the door immediately and didn’t return until a few minutes later with a very angry nurse, glaring over her shoulder at him.

“Is everything alright?”

“My head is killing me. Can you give me something for it?”

“We just gave you something, but I’ll check with the doctor and see if there’s anything else he can prescribe.”

“Thank you,” I said, forcing a smile.

The nurse turned and shot one last evil look at IKE before walking out of the room. I chuckled despite the situation I was in. “It seems you’ve made a friend.”

“I’m not here to make friends.”

His attitude definitely left something to be desired, but since he was on my side, I decided not to push it too much. I rested back against the pillow and closed my eyes, but that only made things worse. Flashbacks of the explosion plagued my mind, and though I couldn’t remember the exact details of what happened, the pain and fear were at the forefront of my mind, ensuring I wouldn’t get sleep any time soon.

The shrill ringing of his phone had me gritting my teeth. I wanted to speak to my sister, but I didn’t want the phone ringing and destroying the last of my senses. I was already having trouble hearing out of my left ear.

IKE strode to the corner of the room, rolling his eyes as he took the call. “Yeah?”