Page 3 of Hurry Up And Wait

I followed her through the house and ignored the urge to make a jab against my father. That wouldn’t help what I was trying to accomplish today.

“Would you care for some tea?”

“No, thank you.”

“What about scones? You still like scones, don’t you? I could have Marcie whip some up for you.”

“Really, Mom, I’m fine.”

She pursed her lips at me. “I really wish you would call me Mother.” Then she smiled a little. “But I guess since we’re not in public…”

After the years since I’d last shown up on their doorstep, I thought just maybe there would be some kind of difference in the way we interacted. Maybe we would sit down and she would ask me how I’d been or what I’d been up to. Maybe she would want to share stories of Spencer. Instead, there was idle chit-chat as she led me through the house and acted like I had been here just two days ago.

“I have to leave soon for a luncheon, but your father should be wrapping up a phone call. I’m sure he could squeeze you in.”

“I loved to be squeezed in,” I muttered under my breath.

We stopped just outside his office and she gave my arm a little pat. “It was so good to see you again. Don’t wait so long next time.”

With a peck to my cheek, she was off. That was it. She left me standing outside my father’s office, a room I hadn’t entered in years. There was really nothing left to do but walk into the room. The decision had been made. I hadn’t thought twice about what I was about to do, so there was no point dwelling on what-ifs at the moment.

I shoved the door open, choosing the element of surprise to my advantage. My father’s sharp gaze snapped up to meet mine, only to turn into a shrewd one as he took in my appearance. There was a reason I dressed the way I had for the day. I knew over the coming weeks, he would want to doll me up in fancy suits for public appearances and slick my hair a certain way. But showing up here today, I was me. I wouldn’t change for him, no matter how hard he tried.

I let the door slam shut behind me and strode over to the chair across from him as he quickly finished up his phone call. His eyes never left my face, but I purposely looked around the room as if I didn’t have a care in the world. Everything was pretty much the same as the last time I was here. Only then, I still had an ounce of respect for my father.

That was before the coverup and the fallout that destroyed my brother’s life. It was a time when I didn’t fully understand the ways ofthe world and how far my father would go to protect his name and reputation. I knew better now. Sitting in the chair, I understood what I was doing and how far I was willing to go to get what I needed. My father taught me the game. I would perfect it.

He hung up and sat back in his seat with a smug look on his face. “I was wondering what it would take to get you back here.”

“Just some good old-fashioned blackmail,” I grinned, refusing to let him see me upset.

“Blackmail?” He barked out a laugh, shaking his head at what he perceived to be a ridiculous statement. “This wasn’t blackmail. This was me asking for a favor in return.”

“You shouldn’t have needed a favor to help take down men who did everything to smear the name of this country.”

He waved his hand at me, standing and walking toward the window. “You always did have high ideals.”

“Well, I always assumed that if I was going to have them, they should be the best, and not paid for.”

His gaze snapped to mine. “I never paid for anything.”

“Sure you did,” I grinned, crossing one ankle over my knee as I leaned back in my chair. “Isn’t that exactly what you did when you paid off the coroner? Or was it the police chief? Maybe the mayor? It’s so hard to keep these things straight.”

“I did what was best for this family,” he shouted, storming toward me. “If I hadn’t done what I had, we would have been ruined.”

“Youwould have been ruined,” I corrected. “Actually, the only person who would have been ruined was Spencer, and I’m pretty sure he told you not to intervene.”

“He was just a kid. He didn’t know what he was asking.”

“And now we’ll never know how he would have handled it. Will we?”

The fury on his face nearly made me laugh. My father wasn’t upset he’d lost his son. No, he was upset because of how it panned out for him in the polls. He didn’t get quite the boost he was hoping for.

“If you’re hoping to win me over, you’re doing a terrible job of it,” my father said, straightening his tie as he took his seat.

“I was never much for kissing ass. So, why don’t you tell meexactly what you want from me. An interview? A few snippets of me congratulating you on how well you’re doing? Or a few photos of us shaking hands?”

He smirked at me. “No, I want you to come on the campaign trail with me.”