Page 18 of Hurry Up And Wait



“You grew up with this chick?”Slider asked, grabbing one of the last boxes from the trailer.

I was only half paying attention. Most of my focus was on the woman currently standing on her porch, handing out water bottles to everyone. She was nothing and everything like I remembered. Still funny and crazy as hell, but fuck…that body.

“Hey,” Slider smacked me.

“What?” I snapped.

“I can see you don’t really like her. Maybe I should?—”

I jerked him back by the neck of his shirt as he started to walk around me toward Isla. “Don’t even think about it.”

He laughed at me. Fucking laughed because I was so fucking obviously infatuated with my childhood friend.

“It doesn’t freak you out that she basically stalked you to find you?”

I shook my head. “That’s Isla.”

“That’s Isla,” he said mockingly. “You guys and your fascination with being stalked is weird as fuck. I hope you know that in most states, it’s considered a crime to stalk someone. People get restraining orders over this shit.”

“Yep,” I answered, my eyes glued to her ass as she bent over and grabbed a bottle that fell to the porch floor. “Holy fuck.”

“Okay, she has a nice ass, but still?—”

I sent him a chilling glare. “No, you don’t get to talk about her ass.”

His chuckle was teasing. Fuck, he was messing with me. “And what about the sister? Is she off-limits too?”


“Don’t tell me you want both of them,” he scoffed.

“No, that’s not what I meant. Just be respectful. A gentleman.”

“Yeah,” he snorted. “Because that’s what all women want. A gentleman.”

I grabbed him by the shirt and hauled him toward me. “You will be a fucking gentleman to them unless they specifically ask otherwise. If you’re not, I will cut you into tiny pieces and feed you through a wood chipper and spread your remains in the south of Florida where alligators will eat your body parts and remove all evidence of your existence. Am I being clear enough for you?”

His lips twitched comically. “I’m pretty sure alligators like to kill their prey before they eat them. Not sure they’ll eat me in little bits.”

“Do you want my fist planted in your face?”

“Do you think it would earn me brownie points with Riley?”


“Come on,” he taunted me. He pointed to his jaw. “Right here. Make sure you leave a nice bruise.”

“You’re a fucking chef. Make her a nice meal instead of showing off your ability to bruise easily.”

He frowned at the suggestion. “You think?”

I rolled my eyes at him. If I had a gift like he had, I wouldn’t be showing off my ability to take a hit. “Just don’t make her something weird like alligator bites.”

“I’m not sure that’s a thing,” he called after me as I stomped toward the house. I was way too fucking angry at the way Isla was showing off her ass for the other guys. Not that she was intentionally doing it. But they could see and that fucking pissed me off.