“It’s not,” I clarified.
“But it is,” he chuckled.
“No, it’s not,” I repeated in the tone he used.
He strolled over to me and gave me that look all men give when they’re about to mansplain something. “Look, I get it. It’s not what it is. But it is.”
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“It really does.”
“It really doesn’t,” I countered.
“We get it,” he grinned, turning to IRIS. “Don’t we?”
“Oh, we get it,” he laughed.
Was I in a third dimension? What the hell was going on here? “Whatever you think is happening isn’t happening.”
“I get it,” he said in a typical know-it-all voice. “You’re Kavanaugh’s girl.”
“She is?” Kavanaugh said at the same time I said, “I am?”
“You are,” Dash confirmed. “Maybe you’re not with him, but you’re with him.”
“Are you speaking an unknown language? Because I’m not following.”
“He’s not,” IRIS shrugged. “It’s a thing. A gift, really.”
“It’s a bunch of bullshit,” Kavanaugh said, stepping forward. “She’s not my girl. Not yet,” he grinned, shooting me a wink.
Riley was fanning herself beside me and I had to step on her toes to get her to stop.
“Yeah,” Dash chuckled. “Okay.”
With a shake of his head, Kavanaugh got things back on track. “Anyway, what’s in the box?”
“This came from her house. We’re checking for bombs,” IRIS said with way more enthusiasm than he had when I first arrived.
“I’m really hoping for a few fingers inside,” Dash grinned, crossing two fingers on both hands.
Shaking my head in confusion, I was trying to figure out why they were so calm before, but now they were acting like schoolboys who had discovered the lost city.
“You know what would be really cool? The lost files of Jimmy Hoffa.”
“Why the hell would her ex send her the lost files of Jimmy Hoffa?” Dash asked.
“Wait, this is from your ex?” Kavanaugh asked, his demeanor suddenly shifting to a more lethal tone and rigid posture.
“It is, but?—”
“Maybe it’s a sex tape,” IRIS said, his eyes wide.
“A sex tape?” I nearly choked out. “Right, like that would ever happen.”
“It would for me,” Riley sighed.
“Not your thing?” Dash nodded.