“You’re lucky her grandparents didn’t hear that. Why did you agree to this, anyway?”
“Fuck if I know. A moment of sheer stupidity? It was mostly Fox’s doing.”
“Well, next time, just walk away. You’re not exactly the type to save the damsel in distress.”
I knew that, but it grated on me that he did too. I could save a pretty woman. I just didn’t want her falling for me when the day was done.
“You’re not really going to make her sleep on the couch, are you?”
I fully faced him, getting pissed with every second that passed. “What would you suggest I do? She’s not sleeping in my bed.”
His eyebrows shot up at my hostility. “You know, you could be a gentleman and take the couch.”
“And have my feet hanging off all night? My back would be breaking by the morning.”
He nodded, hiding a grin. “Yeah, we wouldn’t want you to be hurt. Just her.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to. Look, just share the bed with her. It’s not a big deal. Just because she’s in your bed doesn’t mean anything has to happen.”
“I know that.” I scratched the back of my head as I tried to figure out how that would work. “I just don’t exactly know how to keep my hands to myself when a woman is sharing my bed.”
“Well, you could start bynottouching her. That always seems to help.”
“Have you seen her?” I growled.
“Yeah, I still don’t get that one. You don’t want her. You do want her. Which way is it?”
“I can think she’s hot without wanting to sleep with her,” I growled.
“Yeah, but you never actually adhere to that. If you see a woman who’s even mildly hot, you sleep with her. In fact, I’ve never seen you turn down the opportunity for free sex with any woman. You’re like?—”
“Alright!” I snapped. “I get it. You have a very low opinion of me.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Your words more than conveyed your feelings on the subject.”
He held up both hands, shaking his head slightly. “Pardon me for thinking maybe you should give this one a try.”
“Never gonna happen,” I muttered as I walked away.
I needed a break and headed toward the burnt-up office, but didn’t make it far before the whole gathering went silent. Turning and scanning the crowd, I saw what had everyone going still.
Cash walked through the crowd, his face twisted in anger from what I could only assume was the merriment of everyone gathered. His nostrils flared as he looked at each one of us, and then his eyes settled on Harper and her grandparents. They were unwanted guests when he was going through a hard time.
An irrational urge to protect Harper washed over me and I rushed through the crowd to get to her. Stepping up beside her, I stared Cash down as his eyes took her in.
“Cash,” I said warily. “This is Harper.”
Knowing what he did about me, the surprise on his face wasn’t all that…well, surprising. But it quickly disappeared as the anger he was feeling took over once again.
What really shocked me was how her grandfather stepped forward and saluted Cash. It was as if he had a sixth sense of who Cash was and what the death he’d heard about meant to my boss.
“Colonel Reynolds,” he saluted. “I heard about your loss, and I’m terribly sorry. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.”
It didn’t break Cash, but it was damn close. The slight shimmer of tears in his eyes was the only giveaway that the kindness of Harper’s grandfather might be his undoing. But then he stiffened and gave a tight nod. “I hope you enjoy yourself.”