Page 34 of On the Double

“I happen to love and support my wife. She’s a fucking geologist. She travels for work to study…rocks and shit. I’m happy for her. And when we have our kid, I’ll be home watching the thing, terrified that I’m about to smother it to death on accident. Or knock his head into a wall as I carry him around the house. I—” He gasped for air, bending over as panic took over.

I hadn’t meant to freak him out, but that was the end result. “Hey, it’s gonna be fine. I’m sure you’ll figure it out. How hard can it be to take care of one tiny human? I mean…people have been doing it since the beginning of time, right?”

It was total bullshit. Just like him, the thought of caring for another human being—especially one as tiny as a football—really fucking freaked me out. I doubted there would ever be a time I didn’t think ofthe prospect with fear. Yet another reason I wouldn’t be getting married.

He stood up, taking a deep breath. “Thanks, man. I kinda…I kinda lost it there.”

Like the good friend I was, I grinned at him. “Really? Nah. Totally normal.”


“Completely. In fact, I bet Quinn is more nervous about this than you are.”

“Yeah,” he agreed as we walked out of the locker room. “She’s the one who has to shove a baby out of her vagina.”

I laughed, but internally cringed. I never wanted to think about a woman’s pussy stretching that far. It was meant for pleasure and nothing else. But because I wasn’t a complete asshole, I pretended that this whole fucking thing was normal.

But we both knew none of it was.



I swayedin his arms as the music slowly drifted around us. Though the bar was filled with people, I only saw him. With his hands on my hips, gripping me tightly as he pulled me closer, I never felt such need before in my life. His lips drifted over mine in a whisper I felt all the way to my bones.

The strains of “Wicked Game”skittered over my skin as I let his lips engulf mine. My chest heaved as his hand slid up my side, cupping my breast. The feel of his body against mine sent tingles down my spine as I felt his cock engorge, pushing against me.

“Edu,” I murmured, kissing him harder.

His tongue slipped in my mouth just as he lifted me in his arms and carried me over to the pool table. In the back of my mind, I knew others were watching, that they could see the way he possessed me, body and soul. But I couldn’t bring myself to care as his lips descended on mine once more and his hands carefully removed my pants.

Fingers ghosted over my panties, brushing against my tight bud. I gasped, jerking upright from the sheer torture of his touch. Never in my life had I experienced such passion as I did in his arms. With all the gentleness of a man wooing a woman for the first time, he slid his fingers under the edge of my panties, carefully dragging them down my bare legs.

Cool air hit my most delicate parts, followed by searing heat as he hoveredbetween my legs, his breath coursing over my skin. I felt a gentle tug on my curls before his fingers dipped inside me. I cried out, reaching for him, but he was too far away. The soft chuckle that left his lips mocked me in the cruelest way. He knew he was tormenting me, and he didn’t care.

“I’m going to make you come, Harper.” The seductive tone in his voice sent chills down my spine, and seconds later, he made good on his promise, taking my clit in his mouth and sucking hard.

I swallowed my cries, keening as he continued his ministrations. There wasn’t a single inch of my body that wasn’t on fire. My legs shook uncontrollably and my mind felt like a fog had washed over me, making it impossible to think of anything but the sheer pleasure he brought to me.

It was only after he’d wrung every last drop from me that my body finally came down from the cloud I had been floating on. Everything around me sharpened as I felt another pair of hands on me. Confusion swept over me until I opened my eyes and saw another muscled man standing over me. I thought at first he was one of Edu’s friends, but then I noticed the tartan draped across his shoulder and the metal piece holding it to his shirt underneath. I couldn’t make out the name, but none of that mattered when he climbed up on the pool table with me and crawled over my head, giving me a good look at what was under his kilt. I gasped as his thick length descended on me. I had no choice but to open and take what he offered.

The pleasure was overwhelming. The more I took from these men, the more intensely I felt everything they were giving. More and more hands joined in until I could hardly tell one man from another.

As the kilt shifted, I could have sworn I saw Darth Vader staring down at me, holding his lightsaber and stroking it.

“James Earl Jones?” I murmured in confusion.

“Harper, I am your father.”

He stepped forward, removing his helmet and tucking it under his arm. Then he bent forward and?—

I gasped, sitting upright in bed as I shoved the hair out of my face. Sweat coated the back of my neck and between my breasts. The sheet underneath my legs and butt was sticky and wet. I grimaced at how the dream ended. “James Earl Jones? Really?” I muttered to myself, shuddering as I remembered him saying he was my father.

I didn’t want to think about what that might mean to my subconscious.

I threw off the sheets, then tore them from my bed. Maybe if I washed everything, it would wipe the memory from my brain permanently. I’d have to talk to Luna about this dream. Maybe she’d understand what having sex on a pool table in front of everyone else with Edu, a Highlander, and James Earl Jones could possibly mean. Maybe I’d leave out the part about him saying he was my father. I was pretty sure she’d have a thing or two to say about that.

So would my therapist. If I had one.