Page 161 of On the Double

I raised an eyebrow at him. “Fine, take food from a pregnant lady. I dare you.”

He narrowed his eyes at me, crossing his arms over his chest. “That’s not fair.”

I shrugged. “I never said it was.”

“Where’s Edu?”

“Still sleeping. He looks like he hasn’t slept in a while. Or done anything else, for that matter.”

Dash glanced at FNG, then back to me. “Well, he spent all his time looking for you.”

“But he still worked.”

He shook his head. “Hasn’t been to work since you left. His house looks like one of those missing persons boards.”

I was shocked to hear that. “Then why didn’t Rae tell him where I was?”

“Because she wanted to be sure he wasn’t going to flake out after finding you.”

I had no idea Rae was so committed. I assumed Edu hadn’t come back because he wasn’t ready to. I never imagined someone else was looking out for me in that way.

Movement outside the window caught me by surprise and I rose to my feet. Dash must have seen it too because he was on his feet a second later, storming toward the back door. Yanking it open, he yelped as he was pulled through and tossed onto the hard ground.

“Fuck, did you have to be so rough?” he groaned.

I wasn’t sure what was going on, especially when a man in a pristine suit stepped through the door. His eyes were dark and dangerous, as was the air swirling around him. I bit my lip, unsure what to say or do. As for FNG, he just sat there chewing his bacon.

“Who are you?” I snapped.

“IKE,” he said, his eyes wandering around the house.

“Okay…and what are you doing here?”

He walked over to the window and looked outside, then yanked the curtains closed. “Rae sent me. She said you had a bit of an issue that needed to be…corrected.”

My jaw dropped in shock. Corrected in the OPS world could only mean one thing. Did Rae send him down here to take out Edu? That didn’t make sense. “I won’t let you have him,” I said sternly, or as sternly as a pregnant woman could when she was still eyeing the bacon.

“It’s not your decision.”

“What is it with everyone coming here and telling me what I can and can’t do? It’s my life!”

He stopped looking around and his sharp eyes trailed over me. “I doubt you could stop me.”

“I could try. It’s not your decision or Rae’s if I choose to be with Edu.”

That gave him pause. “Why would I give a shit about you and Edu? Fucking take him. Doesn’t matter to me.”

“It…what?” I asked in confusion.

“Rae asked me to come down and take care of your neighbor.”

“Oh…” I had no idea Rae was going to do a thing. But I was grateful she seemed to have a plan in mind. “What are you going to do?”

“For now? Go out to breakfast.”

“But…she’s over there now.”

“And she’ll be there after breakfast,” he said, his eyes narrowing on me.