“Because—” I stopped myself from admitting the truth, though maybe that’s what I needed. I slumped down in my chair and let the tears fill my eyes that had been threatening to make an appearance for the last hour. “Because if I tell him, it’ll all be over. And I’m not ready for that yet.”
“Do you really think he’ll walk out on you?”
“I know he will,” I whispered. “He doesn’t want this.”
“But the way he’s treated you?—”
“Is nothing,” I sighed. “He’s comfortable with the way things are. He was willing to let me into his life this little bit, but…he won’t give me more than that.”
His hand wrapped around mine and held tight. “Then he doesn’t deserve you.”
I swiped the tears from my face and laughed. “Now isn’t the time to tell your knocked up sister that she deserves better. If I hadn’t been so stupid?—”
“It’s just as much his fault. Don’t put this all on yourself.”
“And who do you think he’s going to blame?”
“Then it’ll be us. We’ll raise the baby. I know I’m not the best big brother in the world, but that kid is my blood and I’ll take care of him.”
I smirked at him. “And what if it’s a girl?”
He tried to hide his horror but failed miserably. “Then…I’ll learn how to do braids.”
It was a nice dream. “And we’ll just live down the road from him, knowing that his father is close but won’t lift a damn finger to help? How would that work?”
“It doesn’t fucking matter,” Oliver growled. “I can’t imagine anyone from OPS would be too thrilled working with the asshole.”
“Hey, he’s not an asshole yet,” I reminded him.
“No, but you’re certain he’s going to leave you. I’m planning my future annoyance.”
My stomach let out a loud growl. Oliver was on his feet in seconds, rushing into the kitchen to get me food. He’d already noted over the last week that when I was hungry, I had to eat or I’d get sick. He really was a good brother. It really wasn’t fair that my own family was there for me when I needed him, but Edu wouldn’t be. I knew it, and the longer I put it off, the harder it would be to tell him.
“Here,” Oliver said, shoving a plate of crackers and cheese under my nose.
I grimaced, but took the plate. “Thanks.” I chewed the food mechanically, forcing every bite down my throat. When half the plate was gone, I looked to my brother. “You know he’ll come over here tonight.”
“Yeah, I figured.”
“I need one last night with him.”
“Please,” I begged, hoping he wouldn’t argue with me on this. “I know what you’re thinking, but if this is going to end, I need to?—”
Oliver sighed, leaning back in his seat. “One night. I’ll make myself scarce.”
“Thank you. I’ll tell him tomorrow night.”
After he went to work, I cleaned my room and then the kitchen, doing anything I could to pass the time. My stomach fluttered as nerves sprang up, knowing how close the time was. This was my last night with him, assuming he stopped by. And then I would have to give him the truth. He deserved that much, even if he was going to leave me for it in the end.
I kept an eye on the clock, doing everything to distract myself, but when the bell rang at five o’clock, I knew it was time. I wouldn’t allow myself to cry. After all, I had the fantasy that I never imagined would ever happen. My daydreams came true. The books just didn’t tell you that in real life, none of those HEAs ever really happened.
I ran my hand over my hair just to give myself something to do, then put a smile on my face and pulled the door open. “Hey!”
“Hey, you look like you’re feeling better. No more throwing up?” His words were kind, but forced, along with the smile on his face. For some reason, it felt like he was just as uncomfortable as I was.
“Nope,” I smiled.