Page 125 of On the Double

“I’m sure you’ve heard by now about the virus that was nearly unleashed on the American people,” he said quietly. “And I’m sure you know how bad it would be if that information got out.”

My father had mentioned something about a virus, but he always kept that information under his hat. He didn’t ever give more information than he needed to. But the Senator obviously thought otherwise.

“It would be very bad.” I was going to have to ask my father about this.

“Your father was very adept at taking out the people in charge of the whole fiasco. In fact, anyone who knows what happened would say he saved the country by cleaning up the mess that my fellow comrades made. I…I may have another situation on my hands that requires his attention.”

“Then why don’t you call him?”

“I’m sure you know that no one calls your father. He intervenes when necessary.”

“Most aren’t even aware of who he is,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him. “I can’t help but wonder how you found out and why you’re so willing to discuss it in a restaurant.”

“Let’s just say I only know who he is because it was necessary during the previous crisis. As I said, we are on the verge of yet another potential disaster, and your father’s help would be most appreciated. If he would be willing to hear me out, I would gladly hand over the names of those suspected of being involved with The Syndicate.”

“If you have the names, why don’t you put it before a panel and have a hearing?”

“Because the type of evidence I have is not the kind that would get these men convicted. In any courtroom, they would walk away without even a slap on the wrist. But I’m sure you would find the evidence compelling enough to move forward.”

“I wouldn’t condemn any man without evidence.”

He pulled out something from his pocket and slid it across the table to me. “I figured you would say that. Here’s a small portion of the evidence I have. Without names, of course. If you feel this information could be useful, please give me a call.”

He stood and buttoned his suit.

“What about the other information?”

“You scratch my back, I scratch yours.” He started to leave, but stopped beside my chair, not bothering to look at me as he spoke. “You know, it occurred to me that your father—with all his contacts—should have been able to get you the information you needed without my help. Perhaps that’s something you want to look into.”

His words were like a sharp knife to the gut, slowly slicing away my insides. He was right. My father was Shadow. He should have been able to find out everything about the remaining players of The Syndicate. So, why was I here bargaining with the Senator when he should already have the information?

I stood from my chair, tossing money down for the waiter, covering the Senator’s drinks and my own. It was time to pay my father a visit.

I hadn’t seenhim in weeks. I couldn’t stand the thought of staring at my father, watching the light die in his eyes the way it had that day I pulled the trigger. I could handle talking to him on the phone, but anything more was just too fucking much.

He walked down the street to the apartment we’d set up as a sort of headquarters. As soon as he was inside, I crossed the street, checking one last time to make sure we were alone. He wasn’t expecting me, but I needed it that way. The senator’s words spun around in my head until I couldn’t fathom a single reason The Shadow—my own fucking father—would have for not finding out who on the Senate Intelligence Committee was benefiting from The Syndicate. I was about to find out.

I unlocked the door and slipped inside, not even flinching when I went into the apartment and immediately had a gun shoved in my face. My father breathed out a sigh and holstered his weapon.

“You could have told me you were coming.”

“It was better this way.”

He leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “Why?”

“Because you and I need to have a talk.”

“Did you find something out?”

“It’s more like I had my eyes opened.”

I saw the shift in his stance, the way his muscles tightened at my words. Fuck, he was hiding something from me. “Who on the Senate Intelligence Committee benefits from The Syndicate?”

“Why would I know?”

“Why would you not know?”

His eyes narrowed slightly in challenge. “What exactly are you accusing me of?”