Page 104 of On the Double

Oliver had said he would pick it up, and knowing him, it was laidout on the counter with very specific instructions. I just had to make it there.

“You can do this,” I muttered to myself, hauling myself off the toilet by the towel bar. I gasped when it nearly came off the wall. Oliver was going to be so pissed at me. I gingerly pulled up my underwear, cursing when one side got wedged up my ass because I was only using one hand.

“Stupid fucking underwear. I might as well be wearing a thong.”

Finally, I got it where it needed to be and let my T-shirt fall to mid-thigh. I didn’t really care that I could only get a T-shirt on, but walking around with my underwear showing wouldn’t be very comfortable with Oliver.

After washing my hands, I hobbled out of the bathroom, taking a rest against the doorjamb. Just that little bit really took it out of me, but I was determined to do this on my own, and that meant getting my own fucking pills.

“You can do this, Harper.”

I shoved off and headed down the hall. The more I walked, the better it felt. My muscles desperately needed the exercise, but I was afraid of doing more than necessary without Oliver around. As expected, Oliver had the pills laid out on the counter for me. The only problem would be getting the damn caps off. I tried holding onto the bottle with my bad arm and holding down the tab, but I had no strength to achieve my goals.

Next, I used my teeth, gnashing at the bottle. I could feel the lid giving as I twisted it with my teeth. In my excitement, I jumped, squealing in glee. The bottle slipped from my fingers and I watched in horror as all the pills went flying in slow motion through the air.

“No!” I cried out, then watched as they all scattered on the kitchen floor. I slowly lowered myself to my knees, holding onto the counter as long as I could. “Ow, ow, ow!” I cried out. I took a deep breath once I was on my knees, then leaned forward and started scooping them into a pile. The movement was killing me, only making me more aware of all the bruises and cuts along my body. “I hate you. I hate you!” I screamed at the pills.

“Want some help now?”

I slowly looked up into Edu’s smiling eyes. But it wasn’t all fun and games. There was a dark anger simmering behind those brown orbs, and they were telling me I had fucked up big time.

I swallowed hard, hiding my wince as I sat back. “How long have you been standing there?”

“The whole fucking time.”

“But…you left!”

“No, I made you think I left. Do you really think I’m that big of an asshole?”

I rolled my eyes, hating that he was just as good as in my fantasies. “No,” I muttered. “But a girl can hope.”

He walked forward and bent down on his haunches in front of me. “You hope for assholes?”

“When they’ll prove me wrong? Absolutely.”

He stared at me for a good, long while. My whole body was really starting to hurt, and it was getting harder to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. My knees were killing me. My side ached, and my arm throbbed. I really fucking needed my pills.

“Are you ready to tell me why you want me to leave so badly?”

I couldn’t hold it back. My nostrils flared as the tears spilled down my cheeks. Edu reached forward and swiped them away, staring at me like he could see through me.

“Because you won’t want me anymore.”

“Why would I not want you?”

“Well… this is temporary. And before…well, I was…more flexible,” I hiccuped. “The things we did?—”

He burst out laughing, which only made me start crying harder. He wrapped his arms around me as he continued to laugh and I beat him with my one good arm.

“Harper, why the hell would I be here if I was only going to walk away?”

“Because you told me you would!”

“Yeah, when this is over,” he said, his face suddenly turning serious. “Fuck, I still want you. Just because you’re a little banged updoesn’t mean I’m gonna drop you and go find the next flexible woman on my list.”

“You have a list?” I shouted.

“No, I don’t have a list,” he sighed. “I was just making a point.”