“And James Earl Jones,” he chuckled.
I didn’t get the joke. “Say what?”
“Oh man, I really feel like I shouldn’t tell you that.” He cocked his head to the side. “Then again, I did have to ride with her in the ambulance as she daydreamed about Dwayne Johnson.”
An unnatural growl left my chest at the thought, but I tamped it down. “What about James Earl Jones?” I asked, sitting down to keep from going to her room and shaking her awake just to see those vivid eyes.
He huffed out a laugh, one of his hands covering his face as he turned red. “So, she’s sleeping in her room and I hear…sounds. She’s clearly dreaming.”
I coughed uncomfortably. While I would love to hear the sounds coming out of her while she was dreaming, I could only imagine what it was like for Oliver.
“So, I go to wake her up because she’s gotta get to work, and I hear her mumbling about a Highlander.”
I jerked back in surprise. “A Highlander?”
He nodded with a grin. “And then James Earl Jones.”
“What the fuck was he doing there?” I asked, my voice filled with outrage.
“How the fuck should I know? It’s not like I asked her about it.”
I grumbled under my breath, trying to contain the jealous rage flowing through my veins.
“The man died. I wouldn’t be too upset over it.”
“I’m not,” I mumbled.
“Right,” he laughed. “That’s clear by the look on your face.”
I glared at him, but then started laughing. “Fucking hell. Your sister’s gonna kill me.”
“You? I’m the one who had to hear it.”
“And now she’s dreaming about Dwayne Johnson?”
“Well, she was in a lot of pain.”
I grunted in response. I stood, not sure what to do now. Did I stay? If I did, what would I do? But leaving didn’t feel right either. I needed to do something to feel useful in some way.
I looked at Oliver—saw how the stress from the last few days had taken its toll on him. Maybe there was nothing I could do for Harper, but I could help him out in some way. “Have you eaten?”
“Fuck,” he blew out a harsh breath. “I can’t fucking remember.”
“I’ll pick up something for you. What about Harper? Is there anything she needs?”
“Yeah.” He shifted forward, searching through all the discharge paperwork. “I have a few prescriptions somewhere…”
“I’ve got it,” I said, shuffling through the paperwork until I found them. I took a minute to read through her discharge paperwork, rubbing my chest with every word. Fuck, I was lucky I hadn’t been there. I might have lost my shit. “Any preferences on food?”
“Anything. I’m gonna get some sleep.”
“Do you have a spare key?”
He grabbed it without another word, nodding to me as he handed it over. This was probably the closest we would get to a truce for the time being, but it was enough. There were more important things to worry about right now. And she was lying in her bedroom, her body broken.
It was time to set my own issues aside and take care of her.
My arms were loadedwith groceries, takeout, and Harper’s prescriptions. I may have gone a little overboard with my task, but I wanted to make sure they had everything they needed. Who wouldstay with Harper while she recovered? Surely, Oliver couldn’t take off a lot more time at work. And I knew he was starting soon with Duke.