Page 60 of On the Double

“You’re fucking with me, right?”

She tossed her head back and laughed. “Of course I am! It was just a weird dream. It doesn’t mean you have a thing for black guys, Star Wars, or old men. It was just a dream.”

I was relieved to hear that, but my alcohol-riddled brain wasn’t so sure yet. I took another long drink of the margarita. She was really good at making them, and I found it was much easier to drink than beer. That might be a bad thing.

I heard Rae gasp and turned around. Two men were walking toward us. Well…one was limping. The other had a torn shirt and blood soaked through a good chunk of what was left.

Edu limped over to me, tearing the cowboy hat from his head as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him, planting an amazing kiss on my lips. I melted in his arms like chocolate, sighing contentedly against the warmth of his chest. As he pulled back and stared into my eyes, I knew this would be the day?—

“What the hell happened to you?” Rae asked, snapping me out of yet another daydream.

I sighed heavily, wishing I would stop getting interrupted.

“We had a slight disagreement,” he grunted. “He won,” he said, jerking his thumb at the other man.

“Hey, I’m Duke,” he said, holding out a bloody hand.

I looked at it and hesitated to shake it. I didn’t have a problem with blood, but my hands were clean. “Um…Harper.”

He chuckled, pulling his hand back. “So, Oliver is your brother.”


“I have a job offer for him.”

My eyes widened in shock. “Really?”

“I had to fight him for it,” he grinned at Edu.

“Why would you have to fight him?”

“Nothing,” Edu snapped, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck. “We’re leaving now.”

“But—” I was tugged away from my margarita and pulled after Edu. “I was having fun!”

“I’m going home, and since I’m leaving, so are you.”

Well, that sounded a tad ridiculous. “Why can’t I stay?”

“Because you don’t know where I live,” he said, dragging me behind him.

“I’m sure someone could drop me off.”

“I’m going to sleep.”

“It’s seven-thirty!” I retorted.

But nothing I said would stop this man from dragging me away from the party. If he was taking me home to have his way with me, I would gladly go and enjoy every aspect of the night. But for some reason, I had the feeling the only exciting thing happening to me was a night snuggled up on the couch as I watched reruns.

He practically hauled me up into his truck. His hands clenched around my waist and a low growl left his lips, but it wasn’t that sexy growl that made me think of fun, sexy times. It was more like he was a wild bear and he was going to kill his prey.

“You really shouldn’t growl at me like that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I might get ideas.”

He huffed out a laugh. “That doesn’t surprise me. I barely know you and I can already guess what’s running through your head right now.”