“I did not!”
“Uh…you did. I was talking to you and everything.”
“Well…” I struggled to come up with something to say other than explaining to him that I was stuck in a massive daydream about how I would do a strip tease for him and then he would wrap me in his arms and have his way with me. Somehow, I didn’t think telling a stranger that would be very smart.
“You know, I don’t come to your place of business and tell you what to do.”
“That’s because I don’t work at a grocery store.”
“Well, whatever you do, I could come say the same to you.”
“I work in private security. Good luck getting on the property,” he smiled sarcastically.
My brain went offline for a moment as I registered that this man worked as a bodyguard. A fine, muscular specimen just waiting for someone to wrap her body around his thighs and ride him as he pulled out his gun and shot the bad guys. It was totally a thing in my mind.
It made complete sense now. The muscles, the tattoos, that dangerous look in his eyes wherever he went. It was one hundred percent amazing. He was the whole package.
“Look, is there a chance you could just take my card and swipe it?”
I did as he asked, allowing my fingers to brush against his in the process. It was like a mini orgasm rushed through my body, sending tingles down my spine as my legs clenched together. A small moan escaped my lips unwillingly, which only drew more attention from the sexy bodyguard.
I quickly straightened and finished the transaction, though I was loath to do it. I didn’t want him to leave. I was very much enjoying his company, even if he looked like he wanted nothing more than to leave my presence.
“Hey! There you are. I was just looking for you!” another man said, cutting in line behind him and loading a massive amount of avocados onto the conveyor belt, annoying all the people behind him.
“Um…I already rang up the transaction. You’re going to have to wait at the back of the line.”
The man glanced up at me with a grin. “Oh, I’m with him.”
“Right, but as I said, his transaction is closed out and?—”
“Can you believe how many people aren’t buying avocados?” He turned to the man behind him, peering in his cart. “No avocados. I don’t get it. Do you know there are actually wars over these in Mexico? Well, to pay taxes on them because the farmers make so much money off them. Of course, who doesn’t love avocados? Am I right?”
The man stared at him. “I hate avocados.”
“Fox, you can’t just cut in line!” Edu said, grabbing the avocados and putting them back in the cart. “There are other people in line.”
“Yeah, but I’m with you. I just couldn’t find you.”
“That’s because I was hiding from you.”
“Why would you do that?”
As they continued to bicker, they also took turns putting avocados on the conveyor belt and then removing them. It would be comical if it weren’t for the fact that my boss was always watching me, waiting for me to screw up in some way.
“You don’t need this many avocados!” Edu shouted.
“Uh, I think I do. I can make avocado salad, guacamole…shawarma with avocado. Ooh, I bet dipping Funyuns in guacamole would be amazing.”
“Great, get one avocado, then!”
I didn’t know what to do, and the line was going nowhere like this, so I started scanning the avocados and placing them in the bag. It looked like he took the entire stock of them. And some were already going over. If I sold him all these, he would be wasting his money. No one could use this much in just a few days.
“Are you going to have an avocado bar?” I asked.
Fox—the man Edu was talking to—turned to me with wide eyes. “That is an amazing idea. Do you think they have avocado smoothies?”
“You could make them.”