Page 123 of On the Double

His eyes pleaded with me.

Pull the trigger. Put me out of my misery.

How could I do this to my brother? Could I really end his life?

I closed my eyes as my finger slid over the curve of metal.

Just do it. Pull it and end the pain.

You can do it, Cash.

I looked to my father as he pressed his hand to my shoulder. “Please, Cash. Do it for me.”

For him. For Rafe.

I pulled the trigger. His head snapped back. The life left his eyes. My twin. My brother for life was gone. I had done it.

Blood spilled from my hands. I tried to wipe it away, but it bloomed brighter and spread faster. There was no erasing what I had done.

“You did it for your brother,” my father said.

“I killed him,” I murmured.

I let the blood flow, knowing there was no way to wash away what I had done.


His face flashed in front of my eyes.

“Cash, please.”

I pulled the trigger again. His eyes stared at me through the scope.


I screamed as I pulled the trigger over and over again, but he wouldn’t stop staring at me.

“You didn’t save me.”

“I tried!”

“You failed me. I’m dead because of you. End it, Cash. You need to end it.”

I pulled the trigger one more time, screaming as the bullet tore through his head.


“Mr. Owens.”

My eyes snapped to meet Senator Kavanaugh’s. The sounds of the restaurant replaced the horror and terror of what happened on the island. My fingers tightened around my whiskey and I took a moment to breathe, reminding myself why I was here.

“Senator,” I finally ground out.

“I trust my boy is well. I don’t hear from him much.” His tone was friendly, but there was no mistaking the anger and disappointment that Kavanaugh hadn’t followed in his footsteps.

“We keep him busy. He’s a vital asset.”

“I’m sure he is.” He shifted in his chair, his hand running down his tie. He was about to ask a favor of me, one I wouldn’t be able to say no to if I wanted his help. “But you know, he would be better served in Washington. Bradford always had a way of working a room.”