Mattie brushed the envelope with her thumb. “He does know how to make a statement, doesn’t he?”
Kat snorted. “He knows how to make a complete ass out of himself. Don’t tell me you’re softening on this guy.”
Mattie stared down at the envelope and didn’t answer.
“Oh come on, Mattie. It’s just another way to manipulateyou to get what he wants.” Kat liberated an envelope from her bag and slapped it on the table. “That’s a revised contract release. He drafted his own, but he’s refusing to sign unless you agree to meet with him first.”
Renic picked up the contract. “Huh. He left a note on every page.”
“What’s it say?” Lizzie asked.
Renic flipped through the pages, then handed them to Mattie. “Take a look.”
There were sticky notes on every page of the contract. Mattie pulled them off one by one as she read them out loud.
I didn’t mean to lie to you.
I know you can’t forgive me.
Please give me a chance to explain.
Just one meeting. Kat has the address. You set the day.
After that, I’ll sign.
The songs are yours, either way.
Mattie put the notes down next to the flowers. They had a rhythm and flow that sparked her imagination. There was a song buried in those lines, somewhere.
“He rewrote the contract?” Piper asked.
“I didn’t read the whole thing,” Renic said.
“There’s only one change,” Kat said. She flicked her cigarette with one finger even though it wasn’t lit. “Second page, third paragraph. It gives all rights to any song produced as a result of the retreat to Mattie. Not just the two they finished, but any other song as well. Delusions of Glory may perform them, but Mattie retains the copyright and gets full royalties.”
“Wow.” Piper sat back in her chair looking stunned.
Della picked up the notes and shuffled through them. “I don’t get it. Why not just sign the original contract? He’s giving her more than she asked for.”
Renic nodded with appreciation. “It’s quite the gesture, I’ll give him that.”
Kat snorted. “It’s just another con.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Lizzie said. “It seems pretty sincere to me.”
Mattie stared at the unopened red card. Adam had seemed sincere on the island too.
“You’re not going to meet with him, are you Mattie?” Kat asked. “Want me to tell him to get lost?”
Mattie looked at the field of pink and white inside the house. “Tell him I’ll think about it.”
Later that night,after everyone had gone to bed, Mattie carried the unopened card up to her room. She pushed the dirty clothes aside and pulled the suitcase out of the closet. She took the notebook and card to bed with her and curled up next to them with a pillow.
Curiosity drove her to open the envelope. A simple fold-over note was inside.
I’m sorry.