Page 21 of Baby Bodyguard

He punched the power button and tossed the phone to the bed, glaring at it. He didn’t want to go back to Sami’s. She was pure, unadulterated trouble. She was also far too attractive, had an uncanny ability to upset his equilibrium and didn’t have a logical, practical bone in her delectable body. And if ever given the opportunity, he’d slip that delectable body into the nearest bed and allow her hot, sunny passion to burn him to a crisp.

Sure, he might go down, but at least it would be in glorious flames.

Chapter 4

“That was fast,”Sami said in surprise as Noah walked into the kitchen, Loner at his heels. “I didn’t expect you back for at least a couple more hours.”

“Want me to leave again?” he asked.

Absolutely not! “You can stay.” Perfect. She’d managed to keep her tone light and casual, without a trace of an “I want to jump your bones now” inflection. She glanced at the black duffel bag he carried. Now why didn’t it surprise her that he’d chosen that particular color? “You’re moving in for at least a month and that’s all you brought?”

“It’s all I need, unless you expect me to wear a uniform.”

Yeah, right. “Do I strike you as the type of employer who likes being surrounded by uniforms?”

He shrugged, an easy movement of his shoulders that stretched his black shirt across impressively broad shoulders. “Just checking.”

“Are you hungry?” She gestured to the plate of fruit and vegetables she’d been munching. “Would you like something to eat?”

“I ate before I came.”


How did he manage to disconcert her so easily? She’d never had that problem before. Good grief! She was twenty-nine years old. Again. By her age she shouldn’t lose her composure around an incredibly good-looking sexy, appealing employee. She should be above that sort of thing.

Instead, every time Noah shared her air space, her imagination ran riot, offering up all sorts of tantalizing possibilities involving hungry mouths and exploring hands and sweet words of passion. She dropped the carrot she’d been nibbling as though it had scalded her and leaped to herfeet.

“Why don’t I show you to your room?”


“You can unpack and relax for the rest of the day. You won’t need to start work until tomorrow.”

“First I’ll unpack. Then we’ll discuss my duties. After that I’ll begin work.”

“Oh, for crying out— Remind me again who’s in charge around here?” His slow, easy smile answered her question and she shook her head, torn between amusement and frustration. “You know what? You’re hopeless. Why in the world do you have to be so pigheaded?”

“I’m pigheaded because I want to unpack? Or is it because I’ve asked you to outline my duties?”

“Come on, Noah. You know what I’m asking.” Sami gestured toward a doorway off the kitchen that accessed a steep staircase leading to the second floor. “Why do you feel it’s necessary to start work today?”

He followed her up the steps. To her surprise, Loner didn’t accompany them, but limped from the kitchen, toward the front hallway. No doubt he’d decided to explore his new surroundings.

“Your mother is paying me to do a job,” Noah explained. “And I intend to make sure she gets her money’s worth.”

Sami held up her hands. Why argue about something so ridiculous? “Okay, fine. Igive up. If starting work today is this important to you, then feel free.”

“Thanks. Ifigured I could put in a few more hours helping with your work project.”

Which one did he mean? Her imagination ran riot again and she fought for control. “Now it’s your turn to be more specific. Which work project are you referring to?”

His laughter rumbled in the narrow passageway, suggesting he knew precisely where her wayward thoughts had led. “I meant Widget. As for your other project, I’m hoping you’re through interviewing potential baby-makers and it’s no longer an issue.”

“Oh, Iam and it isn’t.” She glanced over her shoulder and flashed him a grin. “At least, for now. Fortunately, tomorrow’s a whole new day.”

The instant they topped the staircase, he grasped her arm, turning her to face him. Awareness hit hard. He had incrediblehands. They were those of a man accustomed to hard work—long and tapered, strong and capable, yet with a light, careful touch.

She couldn’t see well in the dimness of the hallway and dressed all in black, Noah blended into the shadows. But his eyes stood out, clear and direct and piercing. She couldn’t look away, didn’t want to lookaway.