Page 7 of Baby Bodyguard

“Actually, it was your mother who suggested I come here.”

“Mymother!”Her breathing quickened, her cropped shirt doing an intriguing dance just above her belly button. “I can’t believe it. My mother suggested— How? Why? When?”

He fell silent and waited. He’d always found it an effective technique. It took a bit longer than average for Sami to catch on, but the instant she did, her agitation faded. Curling her legs onto the chair beneath her, she cupped her chin in her palm, her eyes glittering with good-natured humor.

“You’re waiting for me to be quiet so you can answer all my questions, aren’t you?”

“If you don’t mind.”

“I do have a tendency to interrupt.” She released her breath in a gusty sigh and shoved curls from her face. They shivered around her head with a life of their own, sparkling with gold fire. Fascinating. “I guess this is a good time to confess that whenever something occurs to me, Ijust open my mouth and say what’s on my mind. Iput it right out there.”

“No filters or limits?” He didn’t know why he bothered phrasing that as a question. He already knew the answer.


“That must make for an interesting life.”

“Very.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “When I was little, I’d get into trouble for it all the time. Iswear Ispent more hours in the principal’s office than in the classroom. That probably doesn’t come as much surprise to you though, huh? Inever did outgrow the habit, but now I’m old enough that people consider me eccentric rather than troublesome.” She paused briefly. “So. You were going to tell me about my mother.”

“Was I?”


For someone who liked drifting off on tangents, she had an uncanny knack of returning to the original path. Too bad. He’d have been happier ducking this particular question. “I’m your birthday present,” he offered up Babe’s outrageouslie.

To his surprise Sami sat for a full minute, her lush mouth gaping. Ahint of color inched along her angled cheekbones. “Are you serious? My mother really knows what I’m doing? And she…” Sami fought for breath, on the verge of hyperventilating. “She sentyou?For mybirthday?Sheapproves?”

Somehow he’d managed to step on a land mine. No doubt he’d find it a regular occurrence around Sami. “Why so surprised?” he asked cautiously. “You’re all grown up and perfectly capable of conducting your life as you see fit, aren’t you?”

Sami cleared her throat. “Well, yes. But my mother tends to be a bit conservative, despite her various engagements and marriages. Maybe because of them.”

He struggled to decipher what she meant by that. “So you don’t think Babe will approve of your having a man here when you’re not married?”

How odd. He wouldn’t have thought someone as self-assured as Sami would get uptight over her mother’s opinion.It also didn’t make sense considering that every last prospective employee decorating her front hallway wasmale.

“It’s not that—”

“I think Babe can assure you I’m safe to have around.”

“I don’t doubt that. But… You’re certain about this?” Sami probed. “She doesn’t object?”

“Positive. Babe explained that the job might be temporary, so she’s willing to pay for the first three months of service. After that, we can renegotiate.”

To his surprise, her blush intensified. It mystified him. In the hallway she’d taken charge without hesitation. Was it all an act, camouflage to hide a more sensitive disposition? It disappointed him. He’d been drawn to her outrageousness, perhaps because it was the exact opposite of his own. Still, he preferred the truth above all else, despite the lie he had to currently enact. He frowned. Perhaps it would be best if he tried to ease her concerns.

“Does it matter that Babe recommended me for the job?” he asked. “Think of it as a family affair.”

He’d chosen the wrong thing to say. She choked. “Let’s not.”

“Considering I came at Babe’s request, can you at least agree to use my services instead of wasting time with more interviews?”

She shook her head. “I don’t consider these interviews a waste of time. This is a serious decision, one I don’t take lightly.”

Smart woman. “Then let’s continue with the interview until you’re ready to reach a decision. Igather you have more questions.”

“Lots of questions,” she instantly replied.

“Go ahead. Hit me. I’d like to get this settled.”