“I guess you could call me a troubleshooter. Basically I freelance aiding people who’ve gotten themselves into difficult predicaments and need assistance getting back out.” He glanced at Babe. “Mel pretty much determined my career path when I found myself cleaning up after him more times than I could count.”
“What did my mother ask you to do?” Sami asked. “Protect me?”
He inclined his head. “One secret bodyguard, at your service.”
There was only one more question to ask and she didn’t waste any time hitting him with it. “You never had any intention of getting me pregnant, did you? That was just an excuse to distract me until you could find the blackmailer.”
“Pregnant?” Babe repeated.“Pregnant?”
His anger flared to match hers. “No, Inever had any intention of getting you pregnant. And yes, Iused it as an excuse to distract you until I could find the blackmailer.” He stalked toward her, his gaze never leaving hers. “But just so you know, just so you’re perfectly clear on this issue… I’d have said anything, done whatever it took, crossed every and all ethical lines I hold dear to stop you from going through with that idiotic plan.”
Her cropped shirt flickered in agitation, cavorting against her midriff. “Even sleep with me?”
He bared his teeth. “Hell, honey. I’d have even married you.”
“That’s it!” Sami spun on her bare heel—now why didn’t that surprise him?—and stalked to the door. “I’m going home with Uncle Reggie.”
Noah winced as the door slammed behind her. Apainful silence descended and he shot Babe a wry look. “That went well, don’t you think?”
Loner collapsed on the floor with a mournful whine.
Babe released her breath in a long sigh. “You know something, sweetie? I’ve been proposed to more times than I can count. And I can categorically state with absolute and completeauthority that that was the worst proposal it’s ever been my misfortune to hear.”
Noah walkedinto Sami Fontaine’s residence and straight into sheer chaos.
Men of every size, shape, and description were scattered throughout the foyer. Some were seated in a row of chairs lining the entranceway, others lounged on the wide sweeping stairway leading to the second story. And a few were even sprawled on the heartwood flooring.
“Something about this scene looks strangely familiar,” Noah muttered. Glancing down at Loner, he gave a quick signal. “You know what to do, boy. Get busy.”
He didn’t wait to witness the results. Crossing the foyer to the parlor door, he shoved it open. Sami sat curled in a chair, her head entirely too close to the man she busily interviewed. Noah didn’t waste any time. In three easy strides, he had the no-longer-prospective baby-maker out of the chair and drop-kicked from the room. Slamming the door closed, he turned to face his wife-to-be.
“Nice to see you again, too,” she said tartly.
“Don’t butter me up, sweetheart. I’m not in the mood.”
She shot to her feet. “What are you so angry about? I’m the one who should be furious. You and my mother deceived me. If you’d bothered to ask me about those notes, Icould have straightened everything out in one easy conversation. Instead you came charging in and I—”
To Noah’s concern, her voice broke. “Honey?”
When he would have approached, she waved him off, stalking out of reach. “And I fell in love with you, you sorry excuse for a baby-making bodyguard.” She scowled at him over her shoulder. “Now what are you doing here?”
“I came by to drop off my test results.” He offered the paper with a flourish. “You’ll be pleased to know that I passed with flying colors and you won’t need any baby-makers other than the one standing right in front of you. Mr. Perfect. Remember?”
“I’m thrilled. Put it on the desk and leave.”
He crumpled up the report and shot it with unerring accuracy into the trash basket beside the desk. “I’m not going anywhere. Not until we’ve had time to discuss this.”
“There’s nothing to discuss. You lied to me and I’m furious.”
“Funny. Icould have sworn I heard you say that you loved me.”
“That, too.” Her chin quivered. “Why did you do it, Noah? Why didn’t you explain everything when you first arrived?”
“Because I promised Babe I wouldn’t.”