She gave her love. All of it. Free and unconditionally, holding nothingback.
As they reached for the stars, the night fell heavily on them, blanketing them. And as they became sated and fulfilled, they grew still, curling into each other, ablissful tangle of arms and legs. And when they slept, it was a deep sleep, contented and serene.
For Sami, it was the most peaceful she’d known in two endless decades. Because at long last, she knew she’d found the family she’d lost all those yearsago.
Noah awoketo an earsplitting scream. The moment he realized his arms were empty of anything small, feminine, and delightfully passionate, he knew the worse had happened.
Sami had been taken.
It took every ounce of self-control not to panic. Exploding from the bed, he snatched up a pair of jeans, yanking them on in five seconds flat. Loner greeted him outside the door, barking hysterically. Together they ran, racing flat-out for the staircase leading to the foyer, taking the steps three at atime.
Widget stood by the open front door. Spotting them, she screamed again. For someone who hadn’t been able to speak above a whisper until now, she sure could raise hell when she chose.
“Where is she?” he demanded, skidding to a halt in front of her. “What happened to Sami?”
“He took her.” Widget’s breath came in half-hysterical pants. “A man took her.”
With a shaking finger, she pointed to the bracelets scattered across the wooden floor and Noah closed his eyes. He’d know those colors anywhere. Insatiable Indigo. Carnal Coral. Shell Shock Pink. And a vivid red the exact color of the lipstick he’d kissed from Sami’s mouth the night before. Loner sniffed the area, before collapsing on the floor, his nose inches fromthe bracelets. He released an odd-sounding whine, as though something about the odors confused him. Before Noah could ask any further questions, Pudge, Carmela, and Daria came racing into the foyer. Rosie waddled behind at a more leisurelypace.
Noah gave Widget his full attention. “Tell me exactly what happened,” he requested.
She nodded. “Okay. I’ll do my best.” She twisted her hands together like a nervous schoolgirl preparing to recite in front of a roomful of strangers. “First, the doorbell rang. Sami had just come down the stairs. Iremember thinking that she was looking mighty pleased with herself—”
“Don’t editorialize,” Noah ground out. “Just get to the point.”
Rosie chuckled. “Noah, you dirty dog. Iknew if anyone could bring her around, you could.” She looked at everyone in confusion. “So, what’s up? Did I hear someone yell?”
Widget waved her silence. “This is serious, Rosie. Sami’s been abducted.”
Noah gripped Widget’s shoulders and turned her to face him. “The only way I can help her is if you tell me precisely what happened. Sami came downstairs and the doorbell rang. Iassume she opened it, right?”
Widget nodded. “Yes. There was a man standing there. He held out a box. Sami gave this happy shout. You know how she does? Anyway, the man picked her up, slung her over his shoulder and walked out.” She began to cry. “Please, Noah. You have to do something. If it hadn’t been for Sami I’d be rotting in jail, amenace to society.”
Aw, hell. Tears.Whydid it have to be tears? “Take it easy,” he soothed. “And try and concentrate. This man. Can you describe him?”
“He was big. Really big. Agiant of a man.”
“Did he say anything? Did Sami?”
“He said, ‘These are for you, Ms. Sami.’ And she sort of squealed and… Oh! She gave him a hug.”
Noah fought for breath. “Shehuggedhim?”
“Well, Ithink that’s because he gave her chocolates. You know how Sami is about chocolate.”
He swore beneath his breath. “Focus, Widget. The box contained chocolates? You’re sure?”
“Positive. It was the same type she has all over the place. You know the ones I mean? The pretty gold foil boxes? Gosh, they’re good. And she’s so sweet about sharing them.”
He knew precisely the ones Widget meant. How many times had Sami pulled a box from some cubbyhole or drawer?Chocolate makes everything better, she’d said on more occasions than he could count. “Are you sure he abducted her?”
“Positive. After he handed her the box and she hugged him, he said, ‘Sorry about this, Ms. Sami.’ Then he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder like she didn’t weigh anything at all.”
“What did Sami do?”
“She screamed.” Widget caught her lip between her teeth. “But I think it was because she was surprised. Or maybe it was because her bracelets fell off.”