“Yeah? Well, Ididn’t realize that a man Friday ever completed his job.”
“This one does.” His tone held a distinct warning she’d be smart to heed. “Babe only hired me for a short time. When I’m through here, you’ll be the first to know.”
His comment sent Sami sprawling across the tabletop to yank open one of the desk drawers. Grabbing a familiar-lookinggold foil box, she sank back into her chair, ripping off the lid. “This calls for some serious chocolate.”
“Do you keep boxes of chocolates in all the rooms around here?” he asked in amusement.
“Absolutely. I’m prepared for any emergency.”
“And what’s prompted this emergency?”
Her throat felt tight and she swallowed hard. “I don’t like talking about endings,” she finally whispered. “I’m not very good at them.”
“And that calls for chocolate?”
“It does if you want to feel better about bad things. Or even feel better about good things.” She waved a square at him before popping it into her mouth. “Chocolate makes everything better.”
He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, his face drawn taut. “In that case, pass the box.”
She shoved it in his direction and chuckled at the absurdity of their situation. Here they sat, each consumed with desire for the other, but they were both too wary to pursue the attraction. “We make quite a pair, don’t we?”
He didn’t open his eyes, but she knew he understood what she meant by the hint of a smile that eased his expression. “Honey, we make onehellof a pair. And one of these days I’m gonna prove it to you.”
And that, Sami decided, called for another round of chocolate.
Chapter 6
Something wasup. Noah could sense it. Sami didn’t keep secrets well. She gave herself away with every hesitant glance, every inflection of her voice, and every nervous jangle of her bracelets. Even the way she pet Loner roused his acute suspicions.
Or maybe her attempt to tame her tumble of curls and the fact that she wore her best “interview” peek-a-boo top over a snazzy pair of fire-engine-red slacks gave it away. The troublesome Ms. Fontaine was intent on more trouble. Only one question… what form would it take thistime?
“So what are our plans today?” he asked casually.
She started, confirming that she was, indeed, up to something. “Today?”
“Yes, today. I’m supposed to continue following you around and see where I can be of the most help, remember?”
She snapped her fingers. “Oh, right. Follow me around. Gee…. I’m sorry, Noah. Idon’t think that’ll work today.”
“I see.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Why not?”
It only took her a moment to come up with a plausible excuse. “I’ve decided you need a day off.”
“Really?” He lifted an eyebrow. “I’ve been here less than a week and I’m entitled to time off, already?”
She beamed. “Aren’t I a wonderful employer?”
“Honey, you’re the best.”
“So what do you plan to do today while the rest of us are hard at work?” she asked with a tad too much enthusiasm.
“I think I’ll stick around and see what trouble I can get into.”
“Trouble?” Her guilty expression almost made him laugh, but he caught himself just in time. She made this far too easy. “What sort of trouble?”
“I don’t know. Do you have any suggestions?”
“Suggestions?” Her voice rose to a squeak. “Why would you think I might have any suggestions?”